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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. There's a gay here? KILL IT WITH FIRE!!
  2. I’m pretty sure it’s this. No other reason for the huge difference in percentage.
  3. Just a weird concept, don't you think? It's not like it's randomly one or two...it's all of them.
  4. Wait, what...You guys don't? That doesn't make sense because no straight person ever will say that, no matter the age. Yet every gay person will say partner. It's extremely rare when I see one say bf/gf.
  5. Why do gay people call one another 'partner'?
  6. Hah let’s go. It’ll be hard to get me, though. :d
  7. Aww rip wish I had free health care. Ironic how land of the free doesn’t even give you free healthcare...
  8. lol doctors are going to look at it and tell you to get some rest then bill you for $2,999.95. Guys, this guy is TWC why do you even care what happens to him? He's obviously TWC because he's a scamming scammer that scams so this is just karma man. He deserves every inch of pain he's receiving right now. F u chuckles
  9. Plenty of people play legit on this site and know quite a bit of the actual game. Most of us actually played RS legit and later started botting afterwards but still know a lot about the actual game outside of botting. https://osbot.org/forum/forum/261-runescape/ That's the section for RS related stuff, generally with and without botting so if you read or post there you should find some help. Anything can generally go in spam but that's a more specific forum. I know a few guys on here that have high level ironman also.
  10. No, sorry. Bit too annoying for me so that's why the price is that.
  11. 250k I can make as many as you want.
  12. Osbot has default, general tos that override what you have. But some standard ones are: - not responsible for bans - though you would be if you get banned during service - not responsible for anything that happens after the service is done - can cancel service at any time with no penalty - you go first or mm will be used
  13. Oh wow, I’m just seeing that. Never knew there was a discord ID like that. That’s pretty cool.
  14. What are your stats? I can do it real cheap if good stats.
  15. Right, but people still need to ask for a PM, lmao. Even when I pay out something small like 1m I have the person PM me their RSN so there's no BS about me paying the wrong person or impostor. I also video all my trades wishing someone tells me they never received the GP. This happened to me before and thank god I had pictures as it was a big trade. They tried arguing saying I photoshopped the pictures. They were an impostor but I don't like BS so I just video everything now. But yeah, it's nice that you're talking to someone on discord or Skype, but asking for a PM takes an extra 30 seconds and costs you nothing but that wasted 30 seconds of time, yet it's really hard for people to get a PM. Yes, it's very hard man. They're expensive.
  16. Or...you could just ask for a PM. Nice to stack on layers of security, though.
  17. The Chronicles of Riddick was an amazing movie. Loved this trilogy. I like Harry Potter Pirates of the Caribbean. Transformers - at least the early ones.
  18. The reason behind some threads being closed are real stupid. Wait patiently lmfaoo What are devs? Is that a new type of bot or something?
  19. I can do the questing. Not really interested in the skilling.
  20. He did that for popularity and he didn't get hacked. He also scammed more than 50m.
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