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  1. 79-98 atk 90-98 str It's 1 Defence.
  2. feendi


    Can I get a trial? does it work well at bandits praying all the time? Thank you.
  3. Currently 15 but willing to level it up to 43 The fastest method, i'm really outdated on OSRS rn. I have a skype which is Feendi. Havent created a discord yet.
  4. Hi, I'm requesting someone willing to train 61-90atk on my 1DEF PURE. It has 90str already and mithril gloves, d scimi etc.. 15 prayer account but I'm willing to train it up to 43.
  5. Asked Divergent to create a Pure quest+skilling bundle for pking wise and he recommended these with very creative reasonings. It was decently fast considering all he had to do. Thank you again and appreciate all the efforts. 50-82 Magic 26-53 Thieving 20-50 Firemaking 20-50 Magic 1-10 Herb 9-20 Smithing 1-63 Construction Desert Treasure QUEST LINE Monkey Madness QUEST LINE The Eyes of Glouphie
  6. @Decode I’ve talked to him and I’ve decided to let it pass with no compensation at all. Thanks for the support.
  7. The before account stats were just missing the service agreement skills+quests. As I said, it was almost done, just 1 level of magic missing, being it 81 as of rn.
  8. Hey. I just saw my account was disabled for bot busting. Then I tried to check my Skype but no messages from Divergent. Then I logged into Osbot to then realize I had this warning. Thank you for acknowledging the mistake @Divergent07 . I don't have any pictures before the service began but I attached a picture of our agreed skills+quests to be done. @Divergent07 has closely completed the service with missing just the last level of magic which was 50-82. I paid the price of 73.9m for everything. I admire the way he brought this. I don't mind dismissing any possible punishments against @Divergent07 but it is up to the administrators of OSbot to decide. @Divergent07 is an amazing service provider for OSRS.
  9. feendi

    Pure Service

    Hey, I have a pure with 90 str, 90 ranged, 60 atk. I would like to request a nice pure service for 60m, being it anything you suggest. 60m for quests and leveling that YOU would think is suitable for pking. Like desert treasure and other quests, or leveling? my magic is level 1. So feel free to offer anything you feel like is necessary for a pure to pk. I also in future would like 60-90 atk. So feel free to assume that as well.
  10. Got my pure questing service done very quickly! (Mithril gloves and avas accumulator + skills leveled from level 1 in order to meet the requirements) Very good pricing as well! This guy is definitely the shit. Thanks again.
  11. feendi

    Pure Questing

    I have a pure account with 1 def, 90str, 90ranged, 60 atk. It has 1 quest points and I need all the quests such as for Mithril Gloves, Ava backpack, and ancient book spell. All my other skills are level 1 so leveling for that would be necessary too. So Quests + levels requeriment would be my service request. Thank you.
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