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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. You hurt his feelings to the point where he felt so had he ended up scamming. It's your fault.
  2. @lolmanden. Who's next? Guess you would've won if you weren't joking.
  3. Spoken like a true @Realist. Is this just before the scam report?
  4. I have a high tolerance with people, so idk. I saw some dude semi rage at him on this thread, though. It was pretty funny.
  5. I've raised a good power abuser. Be sure to power abuse your way out of here.
  6. I mean, idk why he got his TWC removed.. He already had a second chance, that was having been unbanned. Having his TWC removed just meant that everything was forgotten... We should forgive, but not forget. :|
  7. So many threads saying just that, lol. But I figured I should point that out, but idk. And also, is it just me or does this post contradict itself?
  8. :| I'm inclined to think that you came back just for this. You also contradicted yourself.. The first thing you said was how you're giving this money to charity... Then you said you're going to give him his money back tomorrow? How're you going to give him money you gave to charity? But oh well.
  9. People who this happens to can come back for a second chance, I'm not against that, just that if it's resulting from scamming or anything of that sort, they shouldn't have TWC removed at all... This isn't the first time a TWC user that shouldn't have gotten their rank removed ended up scamming.
  10. We still have the guide Ironhide gave which is a lot more in-depth. :unsure: http://osbot.org/forum/forum-118/announcement-34-
  11. Why white name and blue avatar?

    1. lolop99




      why not :D iam not rich like you:P

    2. RoomScape


      Then get a blue name. :D

  12. Talk shit, get hit - WITH THE BANHAMMER!

    1. RoomScape
    2. lolmanden


      Ain't pussy like you boy.

    3. RoomScape


      Those are fighting words.

  13. I'm sure people would rather pay $5-10 for a script and always have it than pay $1 or $2 a month just because of the perplexity that comes along with recurring payments.
  14. The bot is basically detectable and the script prices are high and people wonder why we went from 3-4k online users daily to 1k. Scripters can argue saying they need to eat, but it's simple economics. Higher price means less sales while lower price means more sales. They keep pricing it up to try to make up for lost revenue, but that itself is the reason their revenue is dying. But what do I know? I'm not a scripter.
  15. Sorry, what? I was pre occupied with that avatar. :unsure:
  16. Disputes are fun, I don't know why mods hate them.
  17. Default avatar? LEEAAACHEERRR!!!!

  18. Just after I was born, nice. Have fun with recurring payments.
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