I am not responsible for any deaths, mishaps, scams or hacked computers that may result from you reading this sentence.
http://cristgaming.com/pirate.swf - Pirates!
http://eelslap.com/ - By
http://www.staggeringbeauty.com/ - May give seizure, use at your own discression.
http://heeeeeeeey.com/ - Chats with you.
http://iloveyoulikeafatladylovesapples.com/ - By
http://beesbeesbees.com/ - Bees! (Don't click if you're allergic to bees.
http://www.koalastothemax.com/ - They multiple, ooh.
http://www.sanger.dk/ - @Eliot
http://www.trypap.com/ - How secure is your password?