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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Woah, I didn't mean anything bad by it. It's just funny because new people never know anything. xDNothing wrong, it's normal, just funny in some situations.
  2. http://www.toontrip.com/serve/AMIfv972fY9hcdzvXSzUjcSJa2gqgc5QCtJDe-4DSYluGRXbQFec3AwEr73Yb0IYh5q4j2K3CPbUlAdRSn5D0vzhaW3zofNibSJkwrPkc9gMupgiAmNtBYQXH-oPSlLhgHBU3OTwyn-z8ulw7TXigQ6Xf4QHqI_WaznGJFuELb1iKxUsSOpqJg0
  3. My newfag senses are tingling.
  4. I start crying because these kids have no childhood.
  5. Of course I have girl friends. Why wouldn't i?
  6. If you guys really don't find this funny, you either never watched avatar or you have some problems...
  7. That's considered macro since it gives you an unfair advantage over other players so Jagex will ban you for it. And
  8. Why the name change?

    1. Delaghetto


      cause my sythe name is Delaghetto

    2. RoomScape


      Wasn't it live:Thule or something?

    3. RoomScape


      Ooooh, sythe. Thought you said skype.


  9. It's not like OSBot can force the scripters to make free scripts or one time payment scripts...
  10. It's k, we only need each other.
  11. RoomScape


    My last life ran away. Please come back.
  12. To let all of the community know it exists.
  13. RoomScape


    I'm just trying to be like you.
  14. Our conversations were so weird and stupid that I kind of forgot most of it.
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