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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Seems a bit more rounded and popping, both of which I don't necessarily like but it's just minor changes. Anyone else noticed the different interface and stuff?
  2. You never get on here at all, do you? xD Yeah this happened a while ago. I remember because people were confused that some links redirected to Arcus.
  3. Yeah I'm pretty sure something like this was against the rules recently. Also, shouldn't this thread be made in the market section since you're trying to sell mem...
  4. Why is your avatar so nice and happy but your post so bad and sad?
  5. Knowing your attack and str level would be pretty useful due to the fighting quests... But let me know if you change your mind and decide to go first. Wouldn’t mind doing this.
  6. Glad I've never heard this song before in my life but thank you for ruining that streak I had going. Really appreciate it dude.
  7. Yeah but no one cares about you bro.
  8. Talking with you two at the moment.
  9. Not all who wander are lost* come on bro!! but yeah I know that quote. I like it.
  10. How is he my partner in crime? I don’t get this. No, because of their scams we were able to put more rules in place to help prevent it happening again. Don’t think so negatively all the time man. Yes, LOLOL. He had some FB then scammed crying about how he needed money or whatever I think. After a few appeals he was let back in under TWC but was told it would never be removed. He then was cozy enough with people until he got it removed then immediately went and scammed again even though all his FB was wiped hahahhahaha. Pretty funny to be honest. Bawsz is one of the funniest because of the way you left him all those negative to mess up his 100% lmao.
  11. Someone in a CC told me that it's considered a macro since you yourself are not the one doing it and is bannable. Though I'm really trying to figure out how it's bannable and how they will figure out if you put something on your keyboard or use a feature that holds a key down.
  12. It's late and I'm about to go to bed but I would like to pay tribute to the oldfags that helped this site become the site it now is and to the oldfags that are still old fags. You guys remember these people? You have to actually remember them and not just be like 'oh, I think I might have remembered seeing that name possible somewhere before..' And can someone tell me why half of these guys are banned? I know why half are but the other half I don't know. @BawsZ @lolmanden @Bug @Nike @Jeff @ReaLife @Ricky @Occazn @Miley Cyrus @DignityOnline @Gilgad @Cinnamon @Nebraska @Baller
  13. That would be pretty disgusting. What am I meant to do, hold the organ with my hands and/or transplant it into my to make sure it's not fake..? :x COME ON BRO
  14. Aye Kenshin! Amazing show honestly.

    1. SeyDaWiz


      haha sure was

  15. Because he’s a little shit that’s why. Hmm I don’t think I remember that. When was it? Probably for a different thread.
  16. RoomScape

    raids 1

    I don’t know but I can never get into raids so I’m down if you want to run some.
  17. lol feedback has been manipulated a whole lot more often and to a greater extent than this. And normally when this happens, the person scamquits. People who farm likes just get a cozy feeling inside for the most part.
  18. RoomScape

    raids 1

    I want to do raids but have low stats... https://prnt.sc/k6jpky
  19. Oh ont like czar bring in first place? I think it’s nice that a botting forum has a script writer in first place for likes constantly.
  20. RoomScape


    Don’t lie to him. You guys are like the thirsty Vampyres of the Myreque swamp that connive, cheat and kill for the blood of others.
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