How did you get to where you are now? I'm interested in seeing how you guys all ended up here. I'll be reading and replying to every post, regardless how long/short it is unless it's just spam - this isn't in spam so please don't spam.
Mostly centered towards the bigger guys around, but I'm interested in everyone for the most part. How did you start out? What did you do? What do you regret? What would you change and what would you do again?
If you're one of the bigger guys on this site, how did you get here? What did you have to fight with competition and etc? If you aren't a big guy, would you want to be one? Just curious about the entirety of your RS and blackmarket story.
What's your biggest accomplishment and what's your biggest regret?
Edit: This isn't limited to OSBot. How did you first find out about the black market and how did you first get into it in general?