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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Jäger basically had a poll to see what the community thought then went full retard and said we actually don't care what you think/want and we're going to do what we want anyway. I don't know why they even have these pills... I think it's more to see what the mentality of the players is rather than using their opinions for the betterment of the game.
  2. If my account weren't banned, I'd be able to get it in like 600 days or so.
  3. I say new staff. This forum clean up is a fake and gay attempt at farming mod logs because it literally hurts the forum more than it helps it. I vote zikama as mod. I mean, fags deserve a chance too, don't they? Look at Dex and mald. Both verified gay and they're on staff, why not zikama?
  4. That just really annoys me because I search for threads by section, not by name and when you move then that just shits all over my search parameters. And hiding threads because it's old is just the stupidest thing I've ever heard, I'm not even joking about that. Moving threads is annoying enough but just deleting them is idiocracy at best. I don't think I've ever seen a forum just go around moving threads and hiding them on a regular basis just for the hell of it. And yes, I know the difference between soft and hard delete, but as far as I'm concerned, the thread is deleted since I can't see it.
  5. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/62855-25112014-
  6. That really doesn't work all the time because I know people who shipped stuff to the address on file and still got chargedback.
  7. That's literally what I did with my last paypal thinking it'll work. Pp went gangster on me and made my closed pp account go negative. Even when you close your account all it means is that you can't recieve/send money but pp still has all of your info saved on their servers so they can still do whatever tf they want. I closed my pp and pp let people reverse payments and auto said in guilty and need to pay for it.
  8. I'm selling an iPhone on Craigslist and someone sent me a text saying they'll pay $400 - even though it's listed at $250 - and that they'll pay via PayPal. I said pay me via WU since I don't have a pp and they told me to just go to the site and sign up and it's easy. So, does anyone want this money? (917) 636-7029 I'm not saying you should not spam him, because that may not becerssarily be bad, but you shouldn't not spam him.
  9. How did you let James get you banned?

    1. RoomScape


      At least, I think he said he got you banned.

  10. Nice job losing Veteran.

    1. The Hero of Time
    2. RoomScape


      Saying in late means you're referring to a point in time which I have passed which makes you invalid.

      I am time itself and you are my hero, brave young warrior.

  11. OP acts like I care, which I dont. But I may be inclined to if, I don't know... Say OP were to take me along on his journey. Then I would probably care.
  12. Only lifetime sponsors and staff can change it. If you want it changed you have to ask staff to. You need lifetime or staff position to change it yourself.
  13. I don see the point in getting your eye brows done if you're a guy...that doesn't even make sense.
  14. Do you really need 16gb ram? And if you need the extra stuff, get the 15 inch but upp the storage. 200gb is shit storage and 500 won't last very long depending on how you use it tbh. Unless you plan on upgrading in the enar future, I'd go with a higher storage. SSDs really aren't that expensive anymore, just apple likes the green things in life so they're keeping their prices up for that extra mula.
  15. I'm just like You don't know me You dot know where I come from You don't know what I'm about But she seriously thought I'd go get my eye brows done. What kind of fag move is that?

    1. RoomScape


      Why'd you block my pirates yet again? Do you not believe in freedom you slave driving mofo? I bet your ancestors had slaves you jerk.

  17. I don't think there was a time where you quoted someone and didn't color highlight phrases. xD
  18. That awkward moment when you notice his member title. @Asuna: and then there was one
  19. I'm hardly active anymore and I'm not interested in mod. too busy with IRL.

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