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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Because, just like you said, it's a forum. I don't actually have to bot to be able to be here, unless there's a new rule I'm unaware of.
  2. Where's the option for rule abiding non botters like myself?
  3. Why waste money on sponsor and Vip when you could've just gotten lifetime?
  4. Lol, wtf. I'm not sure who's telling the truth. xD
  5. Paying pp or RSGP. Skype me you guys...I'm not very active on here. Also let me know if you have other cards as I may be interested. Skype - live:roomscape
  6. You still have Amazon credit?

  7. What a horrible way to go out.
  8. I'm sorry, I have no memory of doing this heinous act. Are you sure it was I?
  9. When was Chief mod and when did he get demoted? Unless he's getting it back from before he got unbanned, in which case: oh.
  10. Ex staff is useless. They aren't trusted. Asuna and arctic scammed me for my virginity. But mod logs aren't a good indicator and I don't like judging people based on that alone. I don't care who has it, it's not like it makes any difference or gives them power. It doesn't mean trust or respect or anything, but people certainly can see it as that way. You would know all about that, now wouldn't you?
  11. Do you mean staring (to stare at someone) or actually starring (to star something(?))? O.o
  12. Hi Noah. I believe SupremeLeader is stupid, so be a champ and ban him - you can delete his post also for the hell of it. Gracias. Man, f u.
  13. Idk. I got the 4 and 4S used. Bought the 5/5s/6plus (all 16gb because more space is pointless) new from verizon - got the 6 plus from Apple to try something new. I sold my nexus 7 then I bought an iPad for $600 from Amazon because why not? Thinking of getting the Apple TV and possibly a MacBook for the hell of it. I'm serious too, lol. Exit: oh, the first thing I bought was an iPod touch 4 from eBay using p****bot for money. I was so pro back then. 5 was $650 5S was $650 6 Plus was $750 iPod touch was $200 or so. iPad was $600. Only regret is that I wish I could've gotten my devices cheaper, lol.
  14. homeless with nothing to my name aside from my online accounts.
  15. i have a contract too, but I get a new phone yearly because YOLO. Had the 4/4S/5/5S/6 plus. F the system.
  16. iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Black. It's going to shit when Hero pops up and starts raging about iPhone users. Then everyone will abandon this thread and try again in a few weeks. I get the new phone every year because YOLO.
  17. Didnt you tell me my car was a waste of money? Is that an A8? I wouldn't fit in an A4, too small for me - I'm a tall guy. My friend has an S4 and loves it. It's an awesome car. You could've gotten a 2013/14 for half the price still under warranty.
  18. Thinking about getting one but idk. I love the battery life.
  19. OP tried making this anonymous yet everyone is posting their stats on the thread for public view. Nice.
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