You will get more gp if you sell them as mains than as zulrah accounts. Cos when people look for zulrah accounts they will only want to pay for the zulrah stats. Those accounts have way more than just zulrah stats
copied from the api:
To make sure your camera is at the max distance i would open the settings and use configs to change the camera to its max position.
You can get the values by printing the getters of z, x and y.
Its normal that nothing visually changes in your script list. (unless you change the tile or description)
However when you run the script it should be the new version.
1. check if the bones are in the chicken pen before picking them up
2. no you should be able to hit refresh and run the new version.
3. use cli to open the client, you can give a world as parameter
camera.movePitch() and camera.moveYaw() both return boolean so you can use them in an if statement.
if you want to turn to a target or position you can use toEntity or toPosition .
More info here.
You're using a random number for your pitch and your target yaw is just your old value +1. If you want to test a specific location put a specific number as your target.
A friend(the youtuber) got banned from using the osrs HD client a few years back. They than stated the could detect the change in graphics and that was issuing the ban.
Right click the jar and select open with. Than select java platform se binary.
Edit: If the option isn't there you will have to download java, make sure to get the java JRE edition.