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  1. tarxan


    you have to create tut accounts on residential ips or mobile ips. vpns use data centers and those will be locked every time
  2. botting f2p 24/7 is very lucrative but i need a pscript and a good amount of fresh accounts to play with
  3. of course u can but if u are trying to limit bans and prioritize safety i wouldnt bot longer than 1 hour increments.. just my opinion
  4. the system will flag an account and when botwatch are back in office they roll out the ban hence your delayed ban. It all comes down to: what type of proxy u are using andhow long are u botting per day and your length of botting per day along with breaks. try not to bot longer than hrs per day and dont bot longer than 1 hr without breaks. Also, go getyourself a residential proxy
  5. yep bot staff working 7 days a week. i do know they take off for christmas every year tho. the thing is to not get flagged by the system
  6. ive transferred wealth w no ban i wouldnt worry oo much unless your ip is flagged
  7. about 4 hrs a day botting about 45 mins with 30 min breaks in between
  8. go to the rs account managements and try a pawword reset/ account unlocking
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