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About Vichy

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  • Interests
    Lots of random Stuff

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  1. Bought it, ran into an issue first 2 minutes of running it. Doesn't bury bones even if the status says so, just stays frozen there until logout. Doesn't change combat styles with scimitar from strength (slash) to defence (block) when set on a task schedule. It changed to shared and froze again.
  2. Pump mode issue - Mouse hovers over the pump, but doesn't actually click on it. Default zoom, fixed mode, injection mode. Output keeps spamming "Operating pump, we are not animating!" Issue #2 - need to keep the account online by clicking on somewhere (I usually just clicked on any tab) every so often, got kicked after 5 minutes of it not doing anything.
  3. Any chance you could add the pump feature? Just want my AFK Strength EXP :3
  4. Looking solely for the pump to train Strength; is that an option? If so, I'll buy it.
  5. Beautiful script; works like a charm for power-mining! Only issue I've found is that when dropping ores it occasionally selects the use option on the ore (guessing turns off shift prematurely?) and just sits there doing nothing until being kicked out.
  6. yes, still botting on it to this day ^^
  7. I always optimize my code to less use primitive variables when possible. public enum States { BANKED, WHATEVER } public static States state; private static void transitionState(States state) { Class.states = state; } public static States getCurrentState() { return Class.state; } Something along these lines could also be used (quickly made it up obviously)
  8. Yet in the logger it still says that it filled the cannon successfully. Should check for cannon tile not nearby cannons..
  9. Yeah, bought it only because of cannon mode. And even that's broken, feelsbadman.
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