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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. mirror mode is fantastic. any script by Czar!
  2. ill sell you a 19$+ in credit for virmach for 15$
  3. Skype me. Nick.osbot... I need to see if your down for something
  4. wow what a moron... it was a virtual trade therfor you are guarenteed your money back... make sure you call them.
  5. -then dont post or look at it OT: ive always wanted to try it but im scared haha
  6. i just popped a pimple in my earlobe and my god it hurt
  7. CPU when your mirror/mirrors take up too much it decides to crash. at least thats my take on it. it does it for me too and i get soo fucking mad
  8. 1) this isnt the proper layout so gl getting a mod/admin to even read it 2 he gave you the product it worked for a little bit. dont blame him for running 15 f2p cow bots
  9. selling 31m+ Must be VIP+ Regular accounts must have at least 2 weeks online time or 500+ post counts AND 20 feedback Selling for 2.45/m regular, 2.4/m for VIPs, and 2.35/m for sponsor (reason its cheaper is bc i have to worry less about charge back) my skype is Nick.osbot if i dont respond its because i am at football sold please close
  10. no specs its just 19.50 in credit... tiny yes for virmach
  11. i have 19.50 credit i will sell for 15$. let me know (: skype is nick.osbot
  12. just look at the way you are speaking no please or thank you. this is a rant. not a request. look at the other requests. it takes time ot properly code last time i checked you dont pick lines of coding off of trees
  13. no i said quit bitching. if you cant make/script write then ask nicely and maybe we/someone would be inclined to make one.
  14. there is a working alcher stunner and a confuse script. as for training use an AIO combat if you dont like what scripters are putting out make your own. if you cant make your own dont bitch about it. if they wanna make it they will make it but talking like a spoiled brat isnt gonna get you anywhere.
  15. sadly maldesto just went off to bed. your gonna have to wait for @Alek if he is willing
  16. its okay. checking messages while shitting doesnt count
  17. delete cookies. nom nom nom nom
  18. Nicholas


    i have more feedback than maldesto. i made maldesto go first in the service i am doing for him but thats because maldesto trusts me. but 13 feedback v 339 is no question period end of story
  19. Nicholas


    Dead. scammer alert! scammert alert!
  20. @Maldesto servers crashed and they had to backup to a point probably prior to your purchase. just message maldesto your PP email + what script you bought and he will take care of it
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