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Everything posted by Lmaos4eva

  1. You're not the unluckiest guy on the earth. You're the most stupid mf on the earth.
  2. You didnt have a breaks included in your botting sessions?
  3. ahahahaah BOOM! Fuck these trash talkers...
  4. Lmaos4eva

    Stealth Quester

    Don't even if you could. Too high ban-rate atm.
  5. You know, what is the funniest part? I made exactly the same mistake.
  6. Lmaos4eva

    Stealth Quester

    Got banned with this script either. All the other scripts have been working well with my accounts and ive been smartbotting them. Then i used this scripts to pass the fight arena and tree gnome village. At the morning permament banned <3.
  7. Me either. Maybe somekind of banwave going on? I did use Stealth quester recently and perfect sand crabs.
  8. I've been using this script now for a some while. It's just perfect. 0 bans even tho ive been even suiciding some bit.
  9. Is there any honest overview about this script by smartbotter? Meaning that ure not botting with this script more, than from 30minutes to 1hour per day? Including breaks also,
  10. It means that when you die, the bot will walk back to your deadspot, loot your stuff and continue fighting.
  11. Lmaos4eva

    Fruity NMZ

    Sounds like a troll
  12. It's flawless and has extremely low banrate. I've been using this on my f2p acc.
  13. May i ask you about your botting habbits? (Breaks, hours/day, etc..)
  14. The bot is not logging out after setting goal level. Also breaking seems to be buggy sometimes.
  15. First run on this script. It's flawless. Now lets see do i get banned at the morning. EDIT: Didn't get banned, even this is botted in f2p.
  16. I don't get it why ppl use this for alching? Murgees autoclicker is ten times safer.
  17. When ppl are arguing about the bans, i'd like to know did they use anykind of breaks and how much they did bot it for day/week?
  18. Which one do you suggest for afk splashing the fire strike on f2p: Perfect Magic or Perfect Fighter? I got both. EDIT: Nvm bought Pact's AFK Splasher for this.
  19. Non-sense to ruin this f2p build by making it member.
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