Thank you for the reply.
You got what I was saying, but on top of it hopping before it has a chance to set up, if for example there's 2 of us attempting to grab then only one of us will get aggro of the mobs leaving the other person out of combat after a few seconds. It will then hop as soon as grab action is complete, which leads to pretty rapid successive hops if you're unlucky, seems more likely on more populated worlds. (I think it spawns quicker on those worlds so will again lead to quicker hops)
The part about hopping before the bot has had a chance to setup makes sense and seems to be fine, I think the issue is when it does that and then does what I described above straight afterwards in succession. On the emptier worlds with less competition I'm not running into the issue / not as much so If it could somehow be forced to wait the 10S or so after a successful grab to world hop I don't think it would happen.
I do have 2 running at a time on the same client and PC so the same IP, didn't know that was a factor too.
Hopefully this makes sense, my brain is elsewhere today...