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  1. Massive vouch for dbuffed. Amazing services, highly recommend. A+++

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  2. 3 days of continuous botting is an extremity, no wonder you were banned.
  3. looking to trial this if possible @Eagle Scripts looks like a nice script, i just need b2p for lumby diaries #too lazy.
  4. this script is beastly! ive ran constantly from 60 - 93 thieving so far, no bans what so ever, account is over 150 days old with many hours playtime on it. only downside to script is when client breaks the "saved npc" option is selected and when it logs back in it doesnt continue just stands there, i guess it would be hard to script this in as it could differ every log out, to where the npc actually is? also had it where if i select more than 3 dodgy necklaces it will not withdraw any at all other than that im still impressed, 93 thieving getting 200k xp /h with ardy ,ed diary on ardy knights do not fix something that isnt broken @Czar 5 stars from me
  5. barb village is high bot zone, its very commonly used, so it wouldn't surprise me it was the location tbf
  6. Does @Czar still update the scripts as not seen much from him in a while? Does @Czar still update the scripts as not seen much from him in a while?
  7. Script doesn't even work setup inventory and everything just doesn't go past clan wars and even when I manually get to minigamr doesn't even do anything just stands there
  8. 10m per agility per account and say 8m for the quests on both chars.
  9. I see maybe I can do that I'll try
  10. I've tried with and without the multi task on bud still the same stuff, can't get a print screen as my key for it is buggered
  11. Not 100 percent certain should I turn it off if it is on? Is that under the general section?
  12. Have to keep baby sitting bot at red chins after a few trap lays it just stops dismantling etc. And hovers over tile it should lay the trap. I have to pause it then try an action then it'll start doing it's task again then after 2 or 3 more trap lays it just stops again? Am I doing something wrong?
  13. Can you just run this for repairing barriers? And not attacking NPCs? Cheers in advance.
  14. Hey bud. Had script a while now used it on my account a few times, could you not include making wines? Would be good if you could considering all in one etc etc. Thanks in advance.
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