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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by solononforever

  1. bro I made this thread yesterday we need to calm down and click this link instead http://osbot.org/forum/topic/41776-sexy-secure-solononforever-selling-lvl3-with-x2-99s-and-90-firemaking/
  2. Il sell you a voucher for 5m
  3. This is true, IMO hellen wong shouldnt of been banned, She didnt intend on scamming anyone.
  4. shes just asking for dick
  5. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/41805-knas-scams-30m-07-and-is-evader/#entry468231 Iv seen some crazy scams lately, Please Use A MM for trades 25m+ other wise youl be 30m down like this guy and failed4life
  6. #Many goals this month (1k post count and 91 rc), wish me luck!

  7. I hope your trolling, if not virus scan and change pass to be safe
  8. dont even attempt to click it (be safe) and report/ignore it
  9. http://gyazo.com/b190acabf8c9818bfbdee8938e207a32 ^^ Its a phising link if you see a post like this ignore it I have a feeling this wont be the last of these users -.- Was intended for the noobs
  10. Sir you are TWC and have no right to give your opinion
  11. DAM, you put alot of work into this 5* (still clueless), tried doing a javascript course @ http://codeacademy.com
  12. I said Raf finaly became red (I have proof)
  13. Im trying to download local scripts is there a guide?
  14. -.-- --- ..- / .- .-.. .-.. / .... .- ...- . / -- .. -. -.. ... / --- ..-. / .- .--. . ... / .... .- ... / -. --- / --- -. . / . ...- . -. / .... . .- .-. -.. / --- ..-. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / .--- . ... ..- ... / -.-. .... .-. .. ... -
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