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Everything posted by Novak

  1. you might wanna put that somewhere in the info
  2. can we please fix the banking? idk why new stuff is being added/changed when broken things are still broken
  3. get rekt!!!!1111eleven``111!!!1eleven~!1
  4. I've reported this bug in the last 3 release threads now with no recognition. if you are withdrawing an unset amount from the bank (lets say 11), if withdraw-11 is already in the menu option, it will click it AND say to chat "11" huge bug and it just screams BOT bank.withdraw("item", 11);
  5. what about the bug where it types the number in chat even though the option is already available on the menu? EX: withdraw 11 of an item, withdraw-11 is clicked and the script will type 11 in chat and send it
  6. ANOTHER BUG: if banking and you are using a set amount (lets say 14), if 14 is already a number in the menu, it will click 14 and then type 14 and hit enter, saying it to chat even though it isn't necessary
  7. the interface caching is taking too long. my script doesn't actually start working for like 3 minutes because it is caching the interfaces(I'm assuming thats why it just sits there and does nothing)
  8. he is right, take a look at my fletching script, before even getting to the interface stuff, it takes like 2 minutes to interact with the knife and then the logs, something changed with inventory interactions, seems like with objects too EDIT: after like 5 minutes of letting it run, it seems back to normal
  9. i have a ton, pm me please! or add my skype from my signature
  10. who would it be? @Dog_ #NEVERFORGETDOGE
  11. Members Online Today: 1923
  12. whats the point of this when theres garys hood and the in game auto typer?
  13. i have 2 FT awp asiimovs, if you have a verified paypal add my Skype. i have tons of rep on steam, so you will be going first
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