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Everything posted by Novak

  1. Novak

    New PiP suggestion

    @Alek has been invited. We are waiting on acceptance or denial. Although denial may result in a drive-by
  2. no you down talked the gang in the gang thread. OT: ilu alek, great update
  3. Novak

    New PiP suggestion

    we are talking about pips in this thread, not smiley faces
  4. Novak

    New PiP suggestion

  5. Novak

    New PiP suggestion

    thots opinions don't count
  6. only given to the real homies from tha hood. -@Novak -@Botre -@Mysteryy -@Dog_ - - -@Apaec ill think of more people to add later Pending invitations: -@Alek
  7. it doesn't work anymore afaik
  8. who the hell uses opera? if ur on a macbook just use safari or chrome
  9. false, write your own world hopping method
  10. what version of java are you downloading, exactly? and what are your computer specs?
  11. they should automatically appear in the Main tab, try restarting your OSBot
  12. wow this is actually nifty, thanks jack
  13. hasn't been on since october, probably won't be fixed
  14. Novak


  15. Novak


    but on the real if you get too many points there are temp bans and eventually perm bans read this at the bottom http://osbot.org/forum/topic/14781-rules/
  16. im gonna use this soon, too lazy to make my own :P
  17. post in the script thread as this is a script-specific problem
  18. yeah the default is not true distance, its the theory distance or whatever
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