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  1. Could I get a trial, please?
  2. Thank you for getting back to me C1D1 doesn't work with butterflies currently. Also do you know if you'll be getting the UK SMS alerts fixed anytime soon?
  3. Just purchased the script. Unsure if SMS Updates are disabled or broken. Not receiving any messages - UK Network. Also it would be nice to have a C1D1 for butterflies - C1R1 (Release one) Cheers,
  4. Alannah


    @FrostBug- Could I get a trial? I did contact you a few weeks ago regarding interest. Just interested to give this ago before purchasing EDIT - Just read FAQ Sorry for asking
  5. Alannah


    Looking forward to it!
  6. Alannah


    Any ETC on when this will be released again?
  7. Alannah

    Fruity NMZ

    Hi - Is anyone else having issues with it recognising items in the bank?
  8. Please could I have a trial? Very interested. Cheers in advance!
  9. Alannah

    Fruity NMZ

    Literally click mirror mode upon OSBot opening up, make sure OSBuddy or OS client is already open and then launch mirror mode. Ezpz
  10. Alannah

    Fruity NMZ

    Bot works via OSBot client but of course is a lot safer for your account to run through a different client on mirror mode.
  11. Alannah

    Stealth Quester

    Please refund me for this.. Broken.
  12. Alannah

    Stealth Quester

    Literally just bought and doesn't work. Waterfall Quest is bugged. Literally spam clicks the rope and doesn't click the rock.
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