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Everything posted by T R

  1. T R

    Stealth Quester

    Hopefully Token doesn't mind me answering ya both as I've owned this for quite a while and used it on many accs (mains, skillers, full botters, etc) First up some of the quests have requirements that you will have to do by hand/other methods . Fresh accounts are much higher risk than a played on/rested account. F2P is pretty risky to bot, moreso than P2P. I wouldn't recommend adding a list of quests, starting the script then leaving you PC. Don't get me wrong it's a good script, but after all the work that's been done on it, changes, updates, etc, sometimes things don't always work the way they should. Pausing the script and doing parts manually then resuming the script usually fixes the errors, but you don't wanna come back after 3 hours and your character is stuck in a loop. All in all I would recommend this script. Tokens usually pretty onto it with bug fixes and troubleshooting etc. Just use it smart. Couple of quests every day or two, mix in some skilling etc, even talk while you're being walked around the world on quests. Don't suicide bot it, just cause it's questing doesn't make it safe!
  2. T R

    Stealth Quester

    And now it's looped the jail escape for a good 10 mins, keeps going same place and taking of prayer zzzzzzzzzzz EDIT: For some stupid reason its pathing the front way to the young monkey and getting caught every time. Another one bites the dust. Double edit: Has no lost/dropped/destroyed Monkey Dentures. Current time, 1 hours 25 minutes, still in the god damn jail and further behind than 35 minutes ago???? Might as well remove from the quest list if I've gotta do it myself even after paying..?
  3. T R

    Stealth Quester

    Looped on Monkey Madness withdrawing the gold bar. Would just open bank, hover bar, close bank repeat
  4. T R

    Stealth Quester

    Getting stuck on doors during Grand Tree and Plague City for a good 5-10 mins each and had to fix manually. I've had like 6 varying accounts banned in the year or two I've used this and I really feel like it's things like this popping up giant red flags. Paying 20x g.e price for items is suspicious enough, but my character spam clicking some stupid asf shit like talking to King Shareen? Dead giveaway.
  5. T R

    Stealth Quester

    Ran around like a madman during final fight of Shadow of the Storm last night, woke up banned
  6. T R


    Ban rate on this still high if I dont multi flick?
  7. T R

    Stealth Quester

    Loop at Death Plateau with 9 loaves of bread instead of 10, nothing in logger apart from spamming talking to Tenzing Edit: Just did the same with the Trout..
  8. T R

    Stealth Quester

    On Biohazard when it's meant to withdraw the Plague sample it tp's to Varrock then walks to Falador... Over and over. Had to manually do it after 35 minutes of the loop. Safe to say another acc gone lol
  9. T R

    Stealth Quester

    Beyond detected. Had 3 accounts banned over the last month, all were over 5 years old and all had only used this script mixed with some real play for a few other quests and reqs. Used to be really good, now it's just a $20 permaban script for me.
  10. T R

    Stealth Quester

    Started Shadow of the Storm, bot just kept buying and eating food over and over. Full hp, all items, ran on a different account 24 hrs ago no issues.
  11. T R

    Stealth Quester

    Client of Kourend - Claiming rewards doesn't work, got stuck in a loop for like 10 hrs...
  12. T R

    Fruity NMZ

    8-10 hours 4 or 5 days a week, my signature is just on one account that had already received a 2 day ban prior to using. Still safe though!
  13. T R


    3rd attempt successful, cheers mate!
  14. T R

    Fruity NMZ

    Signature doesn't work if you have a space in osbot name...
  15. T R

    Fruity NMZ

    When you level up hp, you heal for 1 hp and bot doesn't rock cake back down. Other than that works well!
  16. T R

    Stealth Quester

    Read the last 2 pages asking for an update?
  17. Okay at best, doesn't seem to have any form of death prevention as I died 5 times on my pure vs black armour before 1500 tokens. Edit: Had to ruin my pure to get any decent use out of this. Still walks me to defender rooms at 3 hp and tries to fight. 4/7$.
  18. How can I get a dynamic sig/see my stats for this script?
  19. Been a fan of your scripts for a while, decided to buy this earlier today with no trial. Tested on an account that got a 2 day ban last week, might as well go out on a blast with a 13 hour proggy ?
  20. Gunna test it out EDIT: Rubs Ring of Dueling to Al-Kharid half way through Quiz and walks to GE Edit2: I had kudos before attempting the Museum Quiz. Iit didn't finish it, just got to 28 kudos lol
  21. Wait so does it do Eagle's Peak and the Museum Quiz or nah? Had this script for a while and runs pretty good
  22. T R

    Khal Wintertodt

    4 hrs a day for the last 2 or 3 days got 2 of my accs banned.
  23. T R

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Was working, now doesnt wanna withdraw food Edit: Emptying inv fixed
  24. T R

    Stealth Quester

    2 hour jailhouse loop while doing Tourist Trap, resulted in a ban. Used this script many times before with no issues, so it's a little bit disheartening/disappointing to see that it can't even do a mid level quest now
  25. T R

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Same with master farmers, using exact same setup I used for 38-55 as well
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