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Trade With Caution
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About Hopsin420

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    Memer boi 772
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    Memer boi 772
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  1. That transpired after he continued to hit me off, which mysteriously stopped when I didn't connect to teamviewer from my home ip. Personally I wasn't the one who found his personal info and called him, the other person he hit off was. Yes, I asked him how he'd like some free dildos and sent a pic of someone's house, I didn't leak or receive any personal info regarding him though. I'm not worried if I get banned or not.
  2. Text wall, this pretty much sums it up. IP was removed from the logs myself, if you require for evidence reasons I can pm you.
  3. Didn't realise i cut his name out of the earlier screenshot.
  4. http://i.imgur.com/2yTGmsX.png @Maldesto your account and any other accounts I have serviced for others including Howest, Spectre, Boy King and Bob12343 were all done by hand, and I have no malicious intent towards those users. I can't say the same for the moron who has been hitting me off for 3 days though.
  5. I've forwarded plenty of info to decode regarding this. Airborne has been hitting me off all day, ban me if you want as I did empty his account.
  6. Hopsin420

    NMZ Quests

    7M for agility level required and quests. hopsin.osbot@hotmail.com
  7. You're right. All temp bans expire after a year.
  8. I mean it's possible if you're smoking meth and don't sleep.
  9. I'm aware I'm not trusted, but if you can't find anyone else please consider the below offer. 70M your supplies, hand done, cannoned, 200k+ slayer xp a day 10-15 hours a day, 7-12 days for completion. I can put 70M deposit with a moderator/mm of your choice if you're worried about me scamming. Skype: hopsin.osbot@hotmail.com Also I can set up a virtual machine and have teamviewer running when ever i'm training the account so you can check on it when ever you want.
  10. I haven't been hit yet, they usually get me in 3 hours from now.
  11. Hopsin420


    Hey I've added you on skype, interested in doing this for you if you'd like- hopsin.osbot@hotmail.com
  12. I do play 15hrs+ a day Lol
  13. I can do this for 45m + supplies Would take around 4-5 days with cannon and 5-7 without cannon. Skype: hopsin.osbot@hotmail.com
  14. Hello OSBot servicers, Currently looking for work specifically in the NMZ area. I have plenty of experience creating low level accounts by hand with the quests and creating 70/70/70 accounts with quests ready for nmz and even maxed staking accounts if required. I have no job and I currently study from home so I have plenty of hours to dedicate to working for you. I can pay deposits so please comment down below your skype so we can discuss matters further. Thanks for reading!
  15. Have you read & agreed to my ToS*? : Yes Age? : 21 Do you agree to discuss about the deposit? : Yes What is your Skype ? : hopsin.osbot@hotmail.com What are you applying for? (Powerleveller/Quester/Minigames) : Powerleveller Do you have any experience with a service? : I have experience in creating NMZ accounts as I used to run a small scale gold farm before they ruined dream selling. If yes, are you willing to supply proof in PM / Skype?: of course
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