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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Mainio

  1. Mainio

    Bans ?

    FeelsBadMan How much did you bot on them earlier?
  2. For me that would take too long, so if you have some spare gp just go chin it. (there is many spots for 1 pray chinning)
  3. It's aids to find similar stats that you have, but if you would take 99 hp then this account would be great at the arena!
  4. Mainio

    Obby mauler

    I think like 5-10M'ish maybe?
  5. If there would be auction -type of selling, the whole account market section would be a huge spam fest.
  6. Mainio

    Hi hi

    Welcome and gl getting your scripts for the market!
  7. Approx 100m with the ban.
  8. Mainio


    I'd definately do normal with those stats, incorrect information has been told that they wouldn't hit higher nor their def is higher on hard mode - the npc's are definately much more tougher in hard mode and you wouldn't get as much exp/hour when doing normal.
  9. I haven't been here long but I think this community is pretty active though. Were the numbers of members online like 10x more back in the days or what do you mean this community is dead?
  10. This. Since the serp nerfed there are not many uses for def pures anymore, you could've turned this into obby tank but you already have 10 attack :l
  11. Mainio


    wtf is that
  12. NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To be honest they are pretty bad nowdays when people know your max hit. You can't kill anyone who knows your max
  13. Then there is huge cc's already doing this and its not that easy to become big swapping cc as there is big ones that holds the market already.
  14. Do people really still swap thru cc's? L0L
  15. Mainio

    Need halo

    Added to talk
  16. Where the prices start on gif avatar like the decodes one? @Mio
  17. Its meant to be baby ags with that range
  18. Didn't bother to try goldfarm, just going to buy more gold whenever needed
  19. 3.5M would start&finish the quest after I've come from work. (8 hours from now on)
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