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Everything posted by Gunman

  1. Gunman


    You're all gey. If it doesn't have Stealth in the name, then it won't give wealth
  2. Normally the same day. Depends on how much is broken and how busy the devs are IRL.
  3. Yes in Mirror Mode only from the other reports. This in Mirror right? @Patrick (Pat if you see this tell MGI if he doesn't know) @MGI
  4. Depends on the task. Agility shitty, but that's shitty all around. NMZ non existent.
  5. Mass farming -> Stealth Injection Casually botting -> Mirror Mode
  6. If you're not banned within a week then you're probably fine.
  7. @Syndo You can make a CLI launch command for every successful account created like in this account creator(the account creator is a bit buggy. Note you can't make more than 10 emails every 10-15 minutes per IP. And the creator will say an account we made when it wasn't sometimes). Keep in mind the email doesn't actually have to exist in order to sign up an account and play on it. You can also make 1 email and then just +1 to the number every created account like the account creator I linked does. Example would be you make example@gmail.com and then you put in the account creator example@gmail.com and tell it to start at 0 and make 10 account it would make example+1@gmail.com all the way to example+10@gmail.com . All the email stuff will go to example@gmail.com If you're gonna be suicide botting tho I would just make the account and and let them sit in a txt file until you are actually gonna bot the account because bans on tutorial island are fucking huge.
  8. Wait a bit longer could be a delayed ban.
  9. Gunman


    There's an option for it but when it runs out it will keep going.
  10. I'm telling you it was a great S3 Power move from him
  11. No sorry I run everything on my own pc.
  12. @De_winged Have you thought of buying a VPS? Or getting a old cheap pc and let it run 24/7 and then remote connect to it and run everything off that.
  13. Check the script list on the bot client and not through the collection. They may still be there but not on the SDN anymore or may have been renamed since a few scripts have been taken over by other scripters. Stuff made by Keven, Shudsey, and I don't know if you had any of Acerd's stuff but his got removed from SDN when he lost S2.
  14. The only other thing I can think of is download and run jar fix or just uninstall Java 13 if you don't need it. Just a warning about botting Agility, you can be easily banned.
  15. @Trest97 Try this If that doesn't work also try setting the path.
  16. If I remember correctly the previous client dev Alek said it does.
  17. Try what Rick said and if not try Jar fix
  18. Probably because it's still using java 11 over 8. Do open with and navigate to java 8 folder and select the java file like in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3SG2xV9nD8&feature=emb_logo
  19. @osbot337 I don't know if the auto clicker you used has this but auto clickers can have and will let you set how long it holds down the mouse clicks. Also, can set a random amount of when to click. Like double click every 4-8 seconds but wait 1 second before initiating the second click(Perfect for alching, most the time). I made a script that did something like this ^(Added a slight fatigue system) ; But if I were to lag or get logged out it would be able to fix it's self. It worked awesome. I ran it for 8-10 hours a day (4-5 hours then break for 1 hour) for a week without bans. Got the level I wanted and moved onto another account where then I added GE support for it to buy alchs to automate the process and I wouldn't have to do it my self. Well after I added the GE support I started receiving bans. Probably because of the added mouse movement. The difference of why a full on bot will get you banned vs a good auto clicker is probably because the auto clickers lack of mouse movement and only clicking wasn't enough for them to ban the account but maybe flag and in some cases ban it. On the bots side the auto clicking for 3 days at 8-10 hours was probably enough to get it flagged and then interacting with the GE every 1-2 hours was enough for them to ban it. Conclusion if you got a good auto clicker use that over a bot if you're casually botting I guess
  20. Through the API no I don't think so. But you could probably grab what weapon they're using and time how long there is between attacks. With melee I think you would only be able to tell if they're using 1 certain attack style for certain, or like with range rapid and accurate. You may be able to get the different attack style of long range and accurate if you do stuff with distance as well.
  21. Slicer 4 mod! Vote or die! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pSh0VAVYn4
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