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About Archhh

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  1. Nope! I support this bot 100%, love the idea and have had decent success in the past. I'll try to run it again shortly, always have had issues requipping tridents but we shall see! Thanks for the offer though @Malcolm
  2. I'll have to start running it again, I tried probably well over a year ago and always ran into problems. (that seemed to not get fixed, not positive but it appeared that way)
  3. Not sure how many people take the time to write reviews, but this script is actually amazing. You can start at the GE it at level 1 and come back to a butler + everything ready to do mahogany tables at 50+. Highly recommend.
  4. I'd love to help with this, i have many accounts.
  5. The script seems to get stuck at camelot bank a lot. Also the script often doesn't requip the trident of the seas after using rune thrownaxes.
  6. can there be an option for no stamina/super energy? This outfit is incredibly useful for new ironmen but it's very hard to have stam/energy on newer iron accounts
  7. Archhh

    Stealth Quester

    Bot appears to be getting stuck withdrawing items from bank https://i.imgur.com/iqAIjbU.png
  8. Archhh


    are you able to disable anti-pk? i often go here with a cc that protects me
  9. I'm assuming the script is broken because of the menu changes?
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