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  1. Hopefully either in university or recently graduating from. I guess going to lower management at the place I currently work wouldn't be too bad either.
  2. You should check before bailing, just to make sure.
  3. That's actually kind of impressive.
  4. I guess if your autoclicker is on an exact interval it could be detected, but I'm pretty sure you can easily find one that allows a randomized time between clicks.
  5. I wish I could afford $1000 for a phone
  6. Android because I'm not a schmuck. I actually don't think I've ever owned anything Apple. Pretty sure it's still terrible though.
  7. You could try setting your fight area to just include the ones you can hit, so you don't run out constantly. That should work.
  8. You would have to use the osbot client's proxy settings. It's the second tab on startup. Different from a VPN, but accomplishes the same thing.
  9. As I understand it, detection comes in one of two ways, either suspicious behavior, or directly detecting that your game has been tampered with. For the former, quality scripts are important. Lots of free scripts do little to nothing to hide themselves. It's especially bad for click-intensive tasks, like mining, as Juggles said. As for the latter, the only way of avoiding that to my knowledge is to use mirror mode.
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