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Team Cape

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Everything posted by Team Cape

  1. Muffins literally did nothing wrong. The past few days, there have been consistent hourly periods in which there are no CBA's on. Including today. Right now.
  2. change the processor and u can get some good shit running
  3. bans will be a thing of the past
  4. i added in method formatting at the end of variables section because its essentially the same format (even though they're not variables)
  5. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/111298-basic-java-naming-conventions-simple-mini-tut/ I made this in a few minutes after seeing what you posted.
  6. If I've missed any, let me know and I'll add them. It seems like a lot of people are having problems with this, so I want to fix this up. It's a very simple thing that greatly improves the readability of your code Variables: All variable names should start with a lower case letter for the sake of clarity. Example: private long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); Another example: private Area area = new Area(1, 2, 3, 4); Notice how the names in both are lower case. If you want to make a variable with more than 1 word, you would capitalize the first letter of the second word. private Area theArea = new Area(1, 2, 3, 4); private long timeStarted = System.currentTimeMillis(); Note that methods follow essentially the same format. Examples: public int onLoop() { return 0; } Note that the first word is not capitalized, but the second word is capitalized. public void eat() { } The first word is also not capitalized. Simple, right? Constants This is used for values such as widget ID's - values that are final that never changed. All letters are upper case and instead of putting a capital letter to start a new word, instead put a _ to signify a space. private static final int SOME_ID = 57; public static final int TIN_ROCK_COLOUR = 53; Thanks to @@Transporter for reminding me to put this in Objects and class definitions Classes define objects, and their first letter is always capitalized so people know that a class is being referenced. Notice how we said: private Area theArea = new Area(1, 2, 3, 4); The 'Area' object has a capital first letter, so we know we're not referencing another variable, for instance the one we named just before called 'area'. If we are defining a class, we would do it like so: public class Thing { //attributes } *** Notice the upper case first letter! *** If we wanted to define a 'Thing', then we would say: Thing something = new Thing(); ^ capitalized ^ capitalized Enums If you're not familiar with what enums is, but you're still coding on OSBot, this will probably look familiar to you: private enum State { BANK, MINE, RUN_AWAY }; Notice that all letters are capitalized. This is how enums are named - exactly like the static IDs from before. This is a very simple task that takes about 5 seconds to learn. If you're not going to properly format your code, and you ask someone for help, you will come across as either very unknowledgeable or just lazy. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask . If I made any mistakes, tell me - I wrote this up in about 5 minutes.
  7. can vouch for influx - one of the best graphics guys around
  8. and now hes our president and has already started selling off his seat in the presidency for the sake of his business lmao
  9. Team Cape

    Lucky af

    if thats not gonna give him existential issues, idk what will
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