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Team Cape

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Everything posted by Team Cape

  1. The original gif inside was: but it got taken down lol
  2. Team Cape


    he has 2.5x more feedback than you have posts
  3. If you're using a set interval like you said, it's not random. As you continue clicking, you'll approach an average time between clicks because an interval isn't really random - it's an interval. Just because I flip a coin 500 times, that doesn't make the results random. The results will eventually reach a probability of 0.50 likelihood for both heads and tails - it's essentially the same thing. Also, you ran that autoclicker for 1000 hours. It's not surprising you got banned.
  4. fairvote 2014 citation look back at it. sit lol. also, respond to all the shit i said before. fairvote gave a few reasons: 1. swing states 2. 'purple' states (e.g. millions of republican votes are lost each year because california goes democrat & millions of democrat votes are lost each year because texas goes republican) 3. faulty electoral voting 4. some votes counting for up to 3x more than others nah 20% of the population should definitely control the election tho. u got a good system there. lmao gg tho
  5. return npc.exists() && npc.getName().equals("Al-Kharid warrior") && npc.getHealthPercent() > 0 && npc.isAttackable(); add in && area.contains(npc) to this boolean statement edit: just realized i might have misinterpreted your question. are you looking for an npc contained within a specific area, or the area that contains a specific npc?
  6. Team Cape


    @@Muffins = @@kalemscott = @@Trump = @@Jonny
  7. anyone else able to give an estimate?
  8. saiyan recently got mod, but you might be thinking of @Sayain who is a grey name. @Saiyan has been a mod for a couple months now
  9. Combat Stats: 70atk/80str/45def/43pray/73hp Also: 78 fm, 60 agility, 30 quest points, 40 fletching no blackmarks or bans
  10. hahaahahahahahaha you still didnt answer the argument please give me your own words and explain why having only 20% of the vote actually have an effect is better than the whole population being heard.
  11. Ok. Let's run through a couple things. 1. The founding fathers were dead long before any midwestern states and American Expansion & Manifest Destiny even existed. 2. You literally just conceded 80% of what I just said, just like America concedes 80% of votes. How about we talk about that statistic? If you want "all votes to count", how about we introduce those 80% of votes back into the pool by abolishing the electoral college? You act like having 20% of the votes be what really counts is what is "best for the country" because your candidate, who advocates for rape, racism, and blatantly has denied the basic ethics of the Bill of Rights and Constitution won. "BUT NOOO 4 STATES!!!!! THEY CONTROL THE WORLD!!" https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2013/11/12/most-americans-live-in-purple-america-not-red-or-blue-america/ ^ Majority of America silenced because their ballots are basically thrown out if their state votes for the opposing party
  12. Are you high? Unless California controls 51% of the population, then that's not what I'm saying. Let's go through a list of points: 1. The electoral college means an individual vote doesn't matter - someone votes 'on your behalf' and has no necessity to follow the desire of the majority. 2. The electoral college gives vastly more power to people depending on what state they live in, meaning that if you believe votes count, you're wrong. Some count for more than 3x that of others: (California --> 1 vote per 455k people vs. Wyoming 1 vote per 135k people). If we do some quick math... 1 Vote in Wyoming = 3.37 Californian votes It's ok though because we're a republic. Right? I address that later. 3. Swing states - once again, some votes more important than others and they basically decide the election. This means presidential candidates ignore basically the rest of the country - who cares about 250 million people, when you can apply to a specific 50 million? Statistics say (actually just looked this up) that 80% of votes have no actual effect on the outcome. Guess it's a flawless system though because it was made back in the ripe olden days of slavery though! 4. This system also makes even MORE votes not count. Why? Because if a state goes 'red', that means the 1-49% of people that voted democrat (once again, assuming that the elector actually follows what the voters said they wanted) don't matter. And that if a state goes 'blue', the 1-49% of people that voted 'Republican' didn't matter. Cool! Let's keep throwing out more votes! 5. Please stop defending a retarded system because your candidate won. Also, being a republic has literally nothing to do with this. A republic gives power to representatives in leadership positions e.g. congressmen and the President that are voted into office - when was the last time you chose your elector? Guess what? You actually get your elector 'chosen' by voting - that means if they don't want to vote for the majority candidate, they don't have to . That applies to 24 states and has happened over 80 times . There's a reason why the popular vote has lost more than once in America due to a failed system. You're acting like this is a law that cannot be changed, and you're fucking high if you think otherwise. gg. Are you high? Obama won the popular vote. He was a shit president, but he won the popular vote, so he was legitimate. Read above.
  13. You're saying 50% > 51% because your party won l0l even though your own candidate said it was bullshit in 2012. Please stop trying.
  14. I love everything about this bot. This is fucking fantastic 10/10 good work m8
  15. I'm not saying that I've been personally attacked or anything (though I have been scammed for an account before) in that regard. I'm saying it's the cause of the vast majority of drama and scamming on OSBot, which is just a fact. This is why I've intentionally stayed out of account trading. The best option would be to remove it, but most would never vote for that because the account trade benefits them, even if they have to occasionally deal with ridiculous drama or scams in their trades.
  16. You think hundreds of account trades are going to go down in the next 5 days? Nah. Probably more like 15-20 at the most, and about 2-3 of those will result in a dispute. That's a ridiculously high rate and only serves to introduce more drama into the community. Face it - the only reason why people want account sales on here is because they benefit from them, regardless of the ridiculously high scam rate. Would you introduce 15-20 people into your home if you knew that 2-3 of them were probably going to harm your family? Doubt it.
  17. i refer you to my last post im mod ronan
  18. doesnt make it good. account trading is overwhelmingly a bad thing due to the far, far higher rate of scams. the people that support it are those who have something to gain from it.
  19. The rate of scams is overwhelmingly far higher for account sales - this is without doubt. Gold and script sales have far, far less problems in liability. I almost guarantee there will be another problem in the next 5 days.
  20. Basically all scams on this forums are because of accounts. This is a botting forum - not sythe. There's no reason to bring all of this drama into the community. When you have even the most trusted people scamming, it pretty much reifies this. Gives anyone the easy opportunity to scam.
  21. Seems like it's only causing problems. Might be best to remove it at this point to be honest. Seems like about 95% of scams are over accounts, and if people want to buy/sell accounts, they can go to a forum that's not centered around botting and keep the drama off of OSBot. At the very least, seems like some major modifications need to be made.
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