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Team Cape

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Everything posted by Team Cape

  1. You're not going to get IP banned or flagged running only 1 account. VPNs are more for like 8-10+ bots
  2. http://putlocker.live/Doctor-Strange-online-free-putlocker-207-224.html Get adblock before using it, so that you have no pop-ups.
  3. Google is your friend m8 http://2007.runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Iron_rock
  4. @@Sysm if you havent found someone yet
  5. Implemented a GUI! It will be in the SDN version soon (when the devs get to it - which is normally really fast )
  6. Yeah, you can't exactly have a 1900 user script without bans :P I'll look into this. I might just make a GUI to decide the course instead of finding the closest course. That's strange because it only sets the city once at the start of the script. It should not have a way of changing in the middle. How soon does this happen after the script is started?
  7. webwalking in general uses a lot of resources. if you don't need to use it, don't.
  8. m8... isFull() is a method !inventory.isFull() also, your operand is backwards => is not greater than or equal to. that's an arrow. >= is greater than or equal to. edit: you're also trying to ask if a GroundItem (an object) is greater than or equal to 28 / less than 28. That's like asking someone, "Is my textbook less than 20?". You can't compare an object to a number. Use getAmount(). it looks like you need to familiarize yourself with java a little bit more before coding.
  9. read back my post and see if i said what you think i said. this thread is not for arguing. it's fine by me if you don't use this script m8
  10. the concept of a static antiban is stupid - agreed. if you consistently change the antiban though, so it has consistently different trends (maybe once a week), it can only help, not hurt, because it leaves jagex with motions that are totally different from each other over time (makes it harder to gather consistent data against the script)
  11. List<Position> path = Arrays.asList(new Position(1, 2, 3), new Position(2, 1, 3), new Position(4, 3, 2)); //put as many positions as you want in here getWalking().walkPath(path);
  12. i recently (today) put out an update. generally ban rates go down with an update because jagex has to detect something new. the devs will probably get to it soon, if you want to wait. if not though, good luck buddy
  13. the bot is currently working for me
  14. yes there is. this is also a free script. feel free not to use it.
  15. no. this does not happen. someone needs to make a thread answering these questions and sticky it - like 20 people have asked this in the past 2 months.
  16. see bug report format. i have no idea what this means lol
  17. GroundItem g = ...; mouse.click(new MainScreenTileDestination(getBot(), g.getPosition()))
  18. WebWalkEvent doesn't have that option because it involves many things not related to just positions (e.g. opening doors, using charter boats, etc). You can use a WalkingEvent, however. WalkingEvent has the getPath() method that will return a List<Position> that you can use. Also, you can click on a tile by using: mouse.click(new MiniMapTileDestination(getBot(), Position x)) or mouse.click(new MainScreenTileDestination(getBot(), Position x)) Though I can tell you that this will undoubtedly not have an effect on banrates, it's still good to know this stuff if you want to use the OSBot API
  19. or maybe it was just 2007 and people didnt know what they were doing. no reason to be an asshole here.
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