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Team Cape

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Everything posted by Team Cape

  1. What you'll want to use is a Filter - this will use only objects that match your conditions. Position desiredPosition = new Position(1, 1, 1); //this definition should go right beneath your class definition RS2Object rock = getObjects().closest(o -> o != null && o.getName().equals("Rocks") && o.getPosition().equals(desiredPosition)); //o represents the object. The conditions you'll want to check are that it is not null, it is in fact the correct type //of RS2Object, and that it has the correct position (all shown in the filter above). Note, this does not differentiate between different types of rocks.
  2. I like your signature A+

  3. solution will always be my favorite big boy

    1. Viston


      This dude has more stacks than me, must admit it...

  5. do i need to put down 150m deposit bb
  6. he was actin weird but no concrete evidence couldnt do anything
  7. Use 1 object in the local area that has a fixed position as your 'base' position, and calculate the area relative to that object
  8. my boy @Dbuffed literally does it for FREE
  9. A user reported that he was scammed by Void in the chatbox. Also, he told me himself on skype: A second user has said he was scammed as well. DO NOT TRADE!
  10. make him an account and give him admin
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