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Everything posted by AaronGlove

  1. im sat at zulrah praying for a trial bro, as soon as i see it i will believe it and buy haha <3

    1. Mikasa
    2. Fruity


      Refresh scripts :boge: 

  2. character is set up all ready for the trial please, as soon as i see it can drop the snek ill be buying - about to leave for work so wont be able to use the trial until like 5 (10 hours)
  3. can i try a trial for this bud?
  4. - Script name: Khal blast furnace - trial length: 1-2 days? - Reason for trial: one of the more expensive bots but i need that beauty smithing cape so wouldlike to try before i buy - Are you ging to give feedback on the script?: Absolutely! thanks
  5. can i get a trial please dude
  6. Can i get a trial please boss?
  7. Can i get a trial please buddy
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