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  1. Hi, Could I have a trial on APA AIO SMITHER please, thanks. Tried your rooftop script and it worked excellent.
  2. Hey, could I have a trial for APA ROOFTOP AGILITY please, thanks.
  3. Time to quit this game for good hopefully. Selling off my gold now, and will put my account up for sale soon. Time is precious, played this since 11 years ago. Wasted so much of my life in the periods I have played, made a few accounts to max stats. Best of luck with life
  4. It's ok, i've found a site that buys via paypal for a bit more, thanks anyway.
  5. Ran this script for maybe 70 hours in total over 5 days about 8 month ago on a maxed account, only gave me a 2 day ban eventually lol.
  6. Can you confirm you buy gold via paypal?
  7. Runs well, just don't run it for too long.
  8. Frosts scripts always work well
  9. Probably 11 hours or so a day, have no social life. Going to quit this game soon and make changes in my life
  10. Probably around £30 paypal region?
  11. The account is lvl 77, 86 range, 44 defence. Has a 48 hour ban from botting. May end up selling the account in the future, any estimates? Also, if I got it to around 92 range would it increase the price by much? Thanks.
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