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Everything posted by GameCube

  1. already got one and have tons of lv 20 accounts aha
  2. hello could pures do this? 1 def, 44 prayer? 1 attack 1 str, 75 range 82 magic? or 60 magic plus?
  3. GameCube


    if you are using range yourself just keep moving, becuase they will 100% mess up unlessa good pker, im currently 54-61 combat, and im having the same issue, but as they are going in with the gmaul i risk it and yolo with my dds lol and i kill them more then half the time, if timed correctly
  4. i have posted above and now that i have been using it for more then a day, i realize other fishing scripts have the features i want, could you had bare hand fishing? and mouse key dropping for powerleveling? i want bare hand fishing for the str xp for us high fishing lv pures, and mouse key dropping for faster xp an hour
  5. Just wanted a pc on this account, https://gyazo.com/e3514b776d644db50adb43555990fcdf is the stats no ban, has monkey madness done and mith gloves, avas, book of war, unholy and book of law. also haunted mine is completed.
  6. just got the script, works great but for the power leveling could you add in mouse keys? or a way for it to drop the fish faster for higher xp rates? for those who just wanna power lv till sharks or whatever the case is.
  7. 72-75 range 15 prayer 56 hp,- can get a little higher if better, 1 def looking for a price check will have best gear to wear. pm me the price please.
  8. i wish it would change your glory and used glory charges to bank in edge, would be the best.
  9. hello, script works great, but the only problem i was having is when you get a random event while the interface of the bulls eye was open, which was blocking the mouse to dismiss the random event, the script wouldn't click esc to close the interface and then dismiss the random event. if you could please look into this, it is probs a rare thing to happen if it happens again i will report back here.
  10. im trying to rune craft some nature runes, and it does everything but go into the alter. it sells then buys the rune ess, the n runs all the way there, then just stands there.
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