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Everything posted by Magerange

  1. Thanks to both of you! It works now. However, I have found out that my conditionalsleep does not function propertly. I think I have set wrong parameter for it, because the account doesn't always animate while filling jugs. How could I replace it so it sleeps for x miliseconds? Do I have to change a lot of code?
  2. Thanks! Should I make a new method for it?
  3. Alright, so here is what I've been working on: @ScriptManifest(author = "Magerange", name = "JugFiller", info = "Fills jugs with water in east Falador", version = 1.0, logo = "") public final class Main extends Script { private final Area Pump = new Area (2947, 3382, 2948, 3383); @Override public final int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { if (canFill()){ fill(); } else { bank(); } return random(175, 270); } private boolean canFill() { return getInventory().contains("Jug"); } private boolean pumpUsable(){ return Pump.contains(myPlayer()); } Entity wPump = getObjects().closest("Waterpump"); private void fill() { if (!Pump.contains(myPosition())){ getWalking().webWalk(Pump); } else if (pumpUsable()) { if (wPump != null) inventory.interact("Use","Jug"); wPump.interact("Use"); } else { new ConditionalSleep(1500) { @Override public boolean condition() { return myPlayer().isAnimating(); } }.sleep(); } } private void bank() throws InterruptedException { if(!Banks.FALADOR_EAST.contains(myPosition())) { getWalking().webWalk(Banks.FALADOR_EAST); } else if (!getBank().isOpen()) { getBank().open(); } else if (!getInventory().isEmptyExcept("Jug")) { getBank().depositAll(); } else if (getBank().contains("Jug")) { getBank().withdrawAll("Jug"); } else { stop(true); } } }
  4. Did you manage to cover expenses for script and account itself? Was it worth it?
  5. So I wrote a local script with Eclipse and tried to export it as a .jar file to run it. The problem is that it does not start. When I select it in OSBot, it does nothing. My guess is that it has something to do with JRE versions not mathcing (1.7 compared to 1.8), but since I am a newbie with this, maybe someone can take me through how to check this propertly...? Should I just clean my PC from Java and install JRE 1.7? Much appreciated
  6. So what are the rates for chocolates? How many per hour can you do?
  7. Perhaps I could 'push in' a question from my own: If I want to run a local script with CLI, do I have to implement a line of code inside the script? What the line should say? Thank you
  8. Got banned a couple of hundred k's away from 99 magic.
  9. So, how does it look? @Mr Asshole
  10. Well best of luck anyways!
  11. Jazz is without their starting PG. Goodluck losing only by 13. Might as well just send me those $ 600. I could put them to better use
  12. If so then why not ban them too? It would be a juicy loot. Kick farmers right in the nuts.
  13. There is something very strange going on ATM with bans. Caused me to drop botting once again, because I was losing money and couldn't keep up with the bans. If you find a solution - please let us know.
  14. Just like I said about Rockets.
  15. Wouldn't bet on the Rockets. I bet Pop kicked SAS rosters ass hard, they will show up.
  16. Solid methods, but most of them are niche markets and won't be able to hold massive farming.
  17. 2 out of 3 accounts banned automatically (most likely, both bans occured at ~ 3 AM Jagex time), before I managed to mule them. NICE. Waiting for the last ban when Jagex gets back in office. The worst part is that I still owe 50 M to my friend who lent me some to get back on track and I can't even afford to give him back that now. I will quit for now, probably figure out something, we'll see. Maybe bot f2p only to minimize risk. Not ready to give up so easily. I guess it's the proxys? I mean I have nothing else left to blame but that and myself at this point.
  18. I suppose 'time lasted' is time that has lasted standing in Lumbridge after Tutorial?
  19. Impressive. I also think the recent video I saw on youtube (dude exposing the script by simulating like 100 bets) doesn't help your case.
  20. This could be an issue, tbh. It has gotten slower than it used to be. I have contacted with the author of it about it, but he is not available till tomorrow evening.
  21. working on it. Shoutout to your splasher, works miracles atm!
  22. Nice. I'd still prefer the 'brick' version of the phone You could literally crack nuts with it or hammer a nail in.
  23. I was skeptical about it, but looking at this picture with a bunch beta tier males that haven't seen a naked girl (with the exception of Mat K and Chrisarchie), does explain that they could probably be bullied into working night shifts as well.
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