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Everything posted by Magerange

  1. Happy birthday, lord and saviour! How old is he turning?
  2. Back from the mini-vacation, was very exciting & relaxing! Now, back to real world and problems. Had one ban while I was away, but I re-made account, so no biggie. Excited for this week, will look into a new method (today/tomorrow), do some research and we'll see. Maybe I will expand in a few weeks... BTW, profits for the last week - 75M~
  3. Is it really worth it risk/reward wise? I mean you have to spend DAYS of botting mining & risk of getting banned like 5 minutes short of 85. And then I don't believe runite mining is worth that hustle (unless you sell your accounts). Source - I grinded 85 by hand in f2p back in 2007. Mined runite ores for 2 days and got bored because of pkers, other miners.
  4. I've reached profitability for this month (and a couple of dollars over it ) aka update. Also, I am going away for the weekend so no botting for the next 2 days
  5. Lmao. He is just a middleman between you and large companies (flips their services for some cash). I have no problem with paying a little more for the sake of simplifying the process (setting up vps, looking for legit cheap proxies, etc.). So far I have only positive thing to say about their services.
  6. Update tomorrow or on saturday, nothing much new so far
  7. Lol, I was having the same stuff. I guess it's better than 'porn stars hate him'
  8. You have to pay 10k each 8 trips to butler. That creates a huge impact.
  9. Highly doubt that it is a red flag. Escpecially if you use proxies.
  10. Yeah, mine sometimes do get locked. Since my farm is small and I train my bots by hand until botting stage, I don't mind spending 1 minute per account to un-lock them. I don't know if it is the right way to do it, but that's how I do it...
  11. Thanks! That's what I figured, just makes my theory more realistic looking. Although it is probably a common sense for every goldfarmer lmao. Sorry about the account
  12. > Wants to play HCIM > Doesn't want to do stuff himself Just my 2 cents. Maybe I am missing something.
  13. It's 50/50 chance always. You get banned or you don't. What did yoy do in school?
  14. Interesting services, goodluck. However, your ToS seem quite greedy (the item keeping part).
  15. Banned or locked? I used to get locked. Why would they ban you if you did tutorial by hand?
  16. Currently trying new botting schedule! I hope my theory is right and it goes well because if it does I will have increased my profits and reduced my manual workload.
  17. Late at night your timezone? I mean, you are from US, so your night time is probably early working hours for Jagex.
  18. I've known this method for some time know. However, 50 construction costs like 1M + Bond + it takes a shitload of money in supplies for each bot. Wanted to test it, but I am too lazy to get 50 construction on any of my accounts However, I highly doubt it's more than 300k/hr. Perhaps someone knows exact rates so I won't have to test it out manually?
  19. LEGEND All bots wiped or some survived?
  20. This is what I was looking for! A person from same timezone. Awesome!
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