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Everything posted by Magerange

  1. If I'm not mistaken boswtrings went sub 70 gp
  2. Same thing happening with me. Has anyone found some other solutions than doublechecking scripts?
  3. Magerange


    Anyone could in 5 words explain me how to mine cryptocurrencies all in all & is it profitable? Looking for an unbiased opinion on this.
  4. Believing that bans happen only when Weath is in office is obscure. Try again. Trial and error.
  5. https://osbot.org/api and try theese:
  6. At one point I was making 50 M / day with 12 accounts. Got rekt big time Currently working on scripts, setting up a system, etc. Will take time to get everything working properly (mainly the scripts).
  7. Scripters around here will do that for money. I'd suggest learning on your own - I've started doing that and while it is painful and exhausting process, I kind of like it. It will be worth it, believe me. You will know what is exactly wrong with the script, you will be able to fix it / modify whenever you like, on top of that you will learn something about Java and will save you some money. Problem is - this will take time.
  8. So I've decided to clean and restructure one of my scripts that I've stitched together by a miracle (started scripting roughly a month ago, so don't kill me straight away). This one has the trading function included in it, but I can't seem to make it complete the second trade window (it does 'accept' the first trade screen (if condition is met) , but closes second one). I've inserted snippets after the script has opened the trade window (no issues there). if (getTrade().isFirstInterfaceOpen() && getTrade().getTheirOffers().contains("")) { getTrade().acceptTrade(); Script.sleep(Script.random(1000, 1500)); } if (getTrade().isSecondInterfaceOpen()) { getTrade().acceptTrade(); Script.sleep(Script.random(1000, 1500)); } Previously I used something very redundant and fairly stupid, but it got the job done (no need to grill me on that one): if (getTrade().isFirstInterfaceOpen()) { Script.sleep(Script.random(2000, 3000)); if (getTrade().getTheirOffers().contains("")) { Script.sleep(Script.random(2000, 3000)); getTrade().acceptTrade(); Script.sleep(Script.random(2000, 3000)); getTrade().acceptTrade(); Script.sleep(Script.random(2000, 3000)); }
  9. That is nice to hear, but for someone like me who has close to none IT background it is quite close to game over
  10. Keep up the goodwork! I've been hurt by the bans too. Since I am too stupid to create a system that makes accounts and completes tutorials, I rely on those who sell lvl 3s. However, more and more people tend to go out of acc business and some accounts that I buy already have bans and I have to ask for a replacement If that is not enough, I recently (yesterday and today) got hit massively with bans outside the banwaves. With this trend continuing I might have to consider stopping farming once and for all without even reaching my full potential.
  11. Yeah, I've used their services in the past. Probably just busy.
  12. my meme dealers are not up to date, sorry.
  13. I bet this will be a reward
  14. I've been playing legit on the OSBot client for almost a year. Nothing has happened to those accounts who have been played 'legit'. Feel no danger, young one.
  15. Started looking into scripting about a month ago, also with no prior knowledge. Started with codeacademy, then moved on to Apaec and Exp101lv tutorials. Both are great and cover most if what you need! With a bunch of *probably to most here* annoying questions I've managed to create a few scripts. The code is, by no means perfect, but it gets the job done and I am fine with that. You can do it too
  16. Lol, can't even think what could I do
  17. Yeah, the proxies are monitored. Jagex started doing this a couple of months ago according to Abuse. This is what Netflix and other companies do. I tested last night a few bots on just plain vps ip and a few on proxies (4 different, to be specific). The proxy ones were banned after a couple of hours (like 5 or 6), the vps ones ran till the daily ban wave. I gave it a thought today and have two solutions: 1. You either bot only on real ips (could cause problems with launching multiple clients). 2. You could create a complex muling system and DB that allows you not to worry about proxies being exposed.
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