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Everything posted by Mio

  1. If you're happy with keeping the account and accepting the 10m I'm gonna close this. CreamCaramel is remaining in TWC for the future and no longer be able to sell accounts due to the actions he's taken regarding this account.
  2. If you use an adblocker, disable it.
  3. I removed the feedbacks and post, looks like hes not coming online and has probably given money to an impostor.
  4. Alright, we'll wait for his response. Looks like he's most likely been contacted by an impostor.
  5. I've asked @abdulrehman to let us know whats going on here. abdulrehan can you provide any evidence of who you were speaking to? If it was over skype can you post screenshots of the chat logs along with a clear screenshot of the profile you were speaking to including Skype actual username and all.
  6. Seeing as this was done because of a previous dispute over the RSN. @CreamCaramel you have 24 hours to refund rich hannah or you will be banned.
  7. Because we're not playing take-backsies. You sold him the account without changing the RSN, that's not our fault or the buyers fault. Going to be closing. @rich hannah if you have solid proof of the account being recovered back please open your own dispute. Regarding the RSN, we're not forcing any giving back, you should be more careful when trading.
  8. Thing is he didn't agree to giving you it back, you asked him for more money, which isn't fair since the trade was already done, and he said no thanks and tried sell you it back. That's different.
  9. Please note global OSBot T.O.S. always apply in addition to this one, and personal T.O.S. can be declared obsolete at a moderators discretion.
  10. Your screenshot is 230 pixels wide. Can you post a full sized screenshot please?
  11. He's not going to be forced to give back any RSN, it's not our fault you didn't change anything before the trade. rich if you claim he's recovered can you post any evidence of him doing so?
  12. You sold him the account and completed the trade without mentioning the RSN, we can't force him to give that back to you, that's not our fault you didn't change it before trading. And if you've recovered the account you need to give it back to the user who paid for it.
  13. I've gone ahead and banned the user, sorry for your loss.
  14. Can you please provide us the evidence?
  15. The user was not hacked at all, there is no suspicious activity from his account and all of the actions were from him himself. He's basically bullshitting you. If you're willing to pay back any scam victims you're welcome to do so by contacting one of us.
  16. Since the users already banned this'll be added to his owed amount. Please keep us updated on the chargeback, you should be able to easily win. EDIT: If this has happened to any other user with this particular guy, please create your own dispute thread providing proof so we can keep track.
  17. @Ibomeister has been placed in Trade With Caution. The user will be stripped of his service thread rights for disregarding our TOS, lying about letting workers on your account, along with breaking our worker TOS. Seeing as he lied about pretty much every aspect of the service, he'll be required to refund you the full service along with the value of the items stolen/sold from your account. @MyOSB can you provide any screenshots of items sold/runes taken from the account as well as items? We'll calculate a price needed to be refunded once you do so.
  18. I've removed the feedback and placed @420x Kush in Trade With Caution for disregarding warnings for attempting to sell accounts under 100 post count.
  19. We've cleaned up the Private Scripts section, and we're hoping this makes it easier and safer for our scripters and users involved. Our scripters are part of the backbone of OSBot, and we're hoping this new requirement gives them the motivation to continue what they do. Moving forward, we're are enforcing the requirements of holding the rank of at least Scripter 1 to open and maintain a private script shop. All private script shops will require approval from the SDN manager @Token. OSBot Staff will disregard any dispute regarding private scripts if the scripter you've hired is NOT an official scripter (S1/S2/S3). *** Please note, we are not stopping anyone from creating and selling private scripts, we are just ensuring to our users that they can come to this section and find a trustworthy scripter to have create what they are looking for.
  20. 2FA from like 2 phones ago. Probably will try contacting their support, I was completely ID verified and everything so it won't be too hard to get back.
  21. Wouldn't doubt if I had something sitting on LBC. Locked out tho
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