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Everything posted by Night

  1. I don't see any IP links between @HastyLife and Ibomeister, do you have any evidence that they're the same person?
  2. Removed, for the future feedback are only for when a trade has occured.
  3. You might have some success in the field, but fair warning, building reputation is more important than posting meaningless comments on threads for 100 post count as you seem to be doing some of. Staff won't approve account sales threads where we suspect you rushed straight into account sales, in order to try to protect the community as much as possible.
  4. Due to Artifex not having any workers as well as multiple disputes open, I've gone ahead and banned him. If he wishes to appeal he will need to refund the full value of what was lost, sorry for your loss.
  5. I've placed @Artifex in TWC and asked him to reply here, he has 24 hours to do so.
  6. We are in the process of returning @SeyDaWizs account to him, he will be responsible for the 15m lost from his account breach.
  7. As @Dfewsloc was aware that the account was cracked, we will not be forcing any sort of refund on this. Sort this out among yourselves, away from OSBot.
  8. Please add photos when you get home
  9. Thank you. I've placed @Tehgousch in TWC and asked him to reply here as to why the password has been changed with no communication.
  10. @Dfewsloc please post evidence in the form of screenshots so we can verify. @Tehgousch please reply here as to what's going on
  11. @John Liu can you please post a screenshot of the Skype id, so we can confirm it is the same user?\ EDIT: Looking through the user IPs it's clear they have been hacked by the same person who hacked another recent scam, I've gone ahead and safety banned the user for now.
  12. What timeframe are you looking for?
  13. You got your answer, now just starting to flame
  14. With Visa support just be honest and say the funds were stolen by a scammer, if they can reverse it that would be great.
  15. Looking through IPs and devices it's fairly obvious that @tyoui was hacked. Be that as it may, account security is the responsibility of the account owner, so we must hold him responsible for any losses. @Superman_ please work to see if you can cancel or chargeback the payment, sometimes calling PayPal can help or the Visa giftcard support, but if this cannot be done we will discuss it further here.
  16. Glad this could be resolved. @TheWind in the future please evaluate your ability to complete scripts before taking them on. Dispute Complete.
  17. As @Sauron was given more than ample time to respond, I've gone ahead and banned him. Should he wish to return he will need to refund @Swedens the value of what was lost. Sorry for your loss.
  18. Thank you, when it has been completed please confirm @El Dingus
  19. I've asked @TheWind to reply here. @TheWind, it seems pretty obvious that you won't be able to finish the script, please post your thoughts here about a refund.
  20. Why would you need graphics cards for botting
  21. Please remember to use a middleman for transactions guys, thanks!
  22. The user is already banned for scamming, we'll add this to his tally if he wishes to return. Sorry for you loss.
  23. We'll give @Sauron a bit longer to reply, if he doesn't we'll have no choice but to ban him.
  24. I've placed @Sauron in TWC and asked him to reply here about the situation, hopefully we can get some information because at the moment it's one persons word against another.
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