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Everything posted by Night

  1. @Aio Macros your 24 hours to refund is running out, if @georgie226 is the true original owner you can dispute him too @Aio Macros
  2. Unfortunately we can't do much about this without any real scam, but we'll keep an eye on it. Thanks.
  3. I've placed @Aio Macros in TWC and asked them to reply here. They have 24 hours to do so.
  4. @Mr Gh0st please pay @Airborneaus for the service, we will remove TWC when this is done.
  5. I sent Maldesto a message to see if he can check this
  6. Chances are an ad blocker or something similar is blocking the captcha.
  7. The method you're looking for is webwalk(), or use a WebWalkEvent for greater control.
  8. Since both users are banned for scamming already there's not much we can do, I doubt they'd be willing to return the account since they stole it back. However should they ever wish to return to OSBot they'll need to refund this account as well. Sorry for your loss.
  9. Charging back is considered scamming whether a user is banned or not. We will investigate to see if this user is indeed ban evading, but you will remain in TWC for the foreseeable future @Imagine.
  10. Now we have to ask why there was a charge back at all. @Imagine you seem to think that he is a ban evading user, did you charge back in hopes he couldn't dispute since he was banned?
  11. I purchased this today and gave it a quick test run, this script exceeds my expectations. Good job Project!
  12. That's all I needed to hear, cya.
  13. Night


  14. Night

    OSBot 2.5.5

    It was not reported, reported means a proper bug report.
  15. Increments is always a good idea, if you're not in a huge rush circle a few sites over a few days and sell as they need it for best rates.
  16. I agree with this, for such a large sell a well-established site would be best.
  17. Night

    OSBot 2.5.5

    He's probably trying to get at the fact that Jagex changed some widget IDs, I believe mainly on root widget 162. This is probably affecting the entering amount on GE, I can test and make a proper report in a little while if you need me too
  18. Night


    You bought it on your other account, @NT TYLER
  19. Please note, OSbots TOS also comes into affect -
  20. @Gucci Bang probably because you posted it in the wrong section.
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