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Everything posted by Night

  1. Big vouch for Divergent, he has done several quests for me in a timely manner with great prices and communication
  2. You'd have to smuggle them out/in, which would be quite the task.
  3. Please be sure to use a MM such as @Dbuffed
  4. I have a 1929 Mosin myself, shoots great just make sure it's up against your shoulder when you pull the trigger.
  5. I don't know about the Europe, but inside the US all gun shipping must be done through FFL's with a few exceptions (for instance an antique rifle I bought was shipped straight to my door). From what I've heard about gun laws in Europe it's very difficult to obtain firearms there, it might be easier/cheaper to move to the U.S. at that point.
  6. Why do you say 4-5 days? Please do not spread false information.
  7. This isn't a full time job for our devs, they'll update as soon as they can but it's a very small % downtime.
  8. getObjects().getClosest() can return a null object, I'd recommend trying some Java tutorials to learn about NPEs.
  9. Usually only happens if you have high latency such as using mirror mode.
  10. I've placed @Speechless in TWC and asked them to reply here. They have 24 hours to pay you the remaining 40m.
  11. I've placed @Mr Gh0st in TWC and asked him to reply here- he's been online recently quoting for orders so hopefully he has a better excuse. @shawnrep1 can you include more of the Skype conversation, specifically the time frame portion? Feel free to censor any account info.
  12. Banned the user, thanks.
  13. You mean Linux's System Monitor? This might help: https://askubuntu.com/questions/46033/system-monitor-panel-shows-the-wrong-amount-of-used-ram
  14. Okay, I'll take a look at adding that soon. Can you post a screenshot of the chatbox line that it gives so I can match it?
  15. Try downloading Runelite's Jar version which is cross platform and 32-bit, you may have better luck than their installer/exe.
  16. I'd recommend using an NPC like the Zamorak wizard in that 2 square cage in Zamorak castle so it won't get that message.
  17. Please remember OSBot Global Terms of Service Apply to and Override this one.
  18. You need to be a current VIP or Sponsor/Donor to change your display name.
  19. You're using the same IPs, how has he been botting 10 hours a day for a month if he/you joined Monday?
  20. No, this was caused by you lying about original owner. You will remain TWC indefinitely and will be banned from selling accounts. Dispute complete.
  21. Interesting, you joined Monday. Care to explain why you have a 2nd account @creamfever
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