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Everything posted by RawrChad

  1. title says all lol Do I click the folder that hold everything including the .xml etc files. or the folder that holds the folders of the .java files?
  2. so yea what laptop would you suggest to get while getting a computer science / programming degree? so all my work would be done on it.
  3. I make new account's get them to 50 wc and fm give them a bond and attempt to get to wintertodt. I only bot the accounts for 1-3 hrs at a time, if only an hour ill throw in a 5-15 min break. essentially a 5-15 mins break for every + 1 hour. My accounts never make it past the 2nd day of membership. If I start them off as members, they seem to get banned even sooner. I do use mirror-mode. What are your thoughts and experiences?
  4. is there any way I may get a trial again, now that i have the req's before i decide to buy?
  5. my account isn't actually ready yet i should have waited to ask lmao. hopefully i can get the 50 fm req before my trial ends lol
  6. May I get the trial please? thanks m8
  7. Hmm it is the only premium script I have and don't have another cannoning script I can test. Here is there logger. https://gyazo.com/88e2c347b3d613c9aa7d82978d348153 No errors lol? BB ITS ME!!!! Get on discord! I left the snap group because people were getting added I didn't know.
  8. I mean the title says all. I log into my botting account. I press start and the script just logs out right after I press start and ends. It has been working with the same settings the past week or so. It is Perfect Fighter by @Czar
  9. It has been working the past few days, but today it just keeps logging out when I try to run the script. The bot clicks log out.
  10. How would I set up my config to cannon at ogres in combat training guild?
  11. None of those options are there... I can not have it renew, my bank will overdraft... I don't live in the uk so website must be different? This shows up under osbot agreements. https://gyazo.com/41ea1a6e53e3fc18997120982ac25b4d
  12. I got an email today saying VIP was gonna auto renew on the 12/22/2018. How do I cancel it from automatically renewing?
  13. RawrChad


    yea i definitely did not get to use it. I went out of town to go hunting lol
  14. RawrChad


    can I get a trial please.
  15. Hey I was not able to use the trial, I was out of town the past few days.
  16. It's hard to get your ip flagged. Its probably just cause its Juggles lol. He doesn't have the most efficient nor is it clean code, and tries to sell basic ass scripts that someone who knows no java could learn too make in a day.
  17. It would only outweigh if you can make 12m+ b4 you get your bots banned? The best way to profit would be some type of f2p suicide bot farm 20+ acc's and automatic muling? Who are you trying to target, for your clientele? Gold farmers or just casual botters?
  18. Than it wpouldn't be worth it. That is going to cost over 10.99 a month. Going to have to make over 15m just to pay it off. Especially the every hour fee. People can just go buy a vps on google cheaper than what this would cost. Plus its not hard to download osbot on a vps lol. If it only cost 5.99-8.99 a month total. Yea it might be worth it, but from what you describe. It almost would be pointless.
  19. It was fixed for roughly 10 hours the other day lol.
  20. I think 5.99 would be expected for one that could only run up to 3 accounts? 10.99 - > 4+? I would definitely purchase. I used them back in the day, preferred to use em over my pc cause of cpu. Pretty sure you can still actually do the google server thing for free.
  21. I have thought about that before but wasn't sure how it would work. Cause what if is a datacenter proxy you botted on and not a residential proxy ip?
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