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Everything posted by RawrChad

  1. RawrChad

    53-70 Attack

    Cash is an incentive to finish it faster. Depends on what you wanna dish out
  2. im not sure thats what i was asking haha
  3. Parabot has always seemed kinda ass too me lol. I pressume you are lying cause soulsplit is not a thing. I'm pretty sure ikov died about a year ago as well.
  4. Yes - I sell the gold for osrs - then sell via BTC or Paypal. Alora is kinda sketchy the past few weeks. Not about to try and figure out how to make a mouse api to quit getting banned lol.
  5. Wow you seem very pleasant. He's trynna learn and you are like that one shitty professor.
  6. Yes - Most of them work by sending packets - no mouse api. I have a few open source for Xobot. If you wanna take a look. I make roughly $200 a month running 1-3 rsps bots. ( Specifically SoulPlay)
  7. Unofficial Scripts --> I have learned heaps from it.
  8. are you saying "hack" your account with a proxy start botting it. Then after it gets banned. Recover on home ip???
  9. Its speculation not proven. I don't think stuff like hovering stats to check xp etc. helps. but there is some stuff in my scripts I think personally help, which are in a lot of basic scripts. If it is something you afk - then have mouse api move off screen like you are afk training. not just sit on the fishing spot you clicked 5 minutes ago.
  10. Okay well, funny. Perfect Fisher actually does right click some times I noticed. But no one is answering is question. Osbot is kind butt when it comes to anti ban - you have to make your own. There are other clients that have antiban in their api and you just implement it into your source.
  11. Clarify, what you mean please? I had an account banned 2 days ago that i safely botted. I have an account i started doing suicide botting on - 2 days ago as well. So far so good.
  12. 1) Agreed. 2) Most important. People are more likely to buy - if you provide the creation email too. (which is why I provided this comment. 3) In my opinion. If you are making it a "safe" account. Still bot after tutorial island a little bit. (derailing conversation so ending it.)
  13. RawrChad

    Pest Control

    Cheapest I will take is around 70-80m. 50/50 - or middleman. No bot 4 days. Might seem a little long, but I don't bot (on service accounts) I am vip so obviously I bot something :P. I have in service 3 others accounts (also 4 days to week service) through other websites. With vouches on those websites. I will not advertise though.
  14. I will do it for 12m. I am home on the computer basically 18/7, and afk many other accs. Shoot me a dm if interested. Will do 50/50 or middleman your fee. Unless you wanna do all up front lol.
  15. it is, i have no desire to use it. will probably let go for 5-7m lol.
  16. From my experience the lock really doesn't do much. I have botted to 90+ slayer on accs that had that type of lock on the first day. It is odd to say the least?
  17. ohhhh --> yea those types of accs bot on home ip. dont do proxy. thats my guess why they are getting locked. Cause anytime i use a proxy lock. Mirror officia client no lock --> unless on proxy thats not residential.
  18. I've only ever had problems with f2p accs. Never had problems after putting only 3m on them, then selling for 50m+ whats $3 when you are getting around $40 profit? I also make sure i give them the email account created with the rs account. That way they can reset password on their ip.
  19. buy a bond and use it on the acc. thats what i had always done. seems to work.
  20. reg iron man maybe - with 50 attk and 80 str --> great pvp build lol
  21. https://gyazo.com/832a4cc0f031543389ff86402ce1bcf8 I made it a while back to make a 1 def pure. Never use it anymore.
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