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Trade With Caution
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About Jannacoin

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Iron Poster

Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. tell me whats going on you fuck someone fucking tell me why I cant access osbot chat @Maldesto
  2. just gonna tell you this dont go into zulrah botting unless you have atleast like 500 dollars tbh there are so many potential problems, the accounts are pricey, the accounts require alot of supplies to start out its really not worth doing unless you have the money to start, I wasted 300 dollars trying to start a zulrah bot farm because I mismanaged money
  3. this looks like one of the most stressful jobs anyone could do. one mistake and you have to restart lel
  4. 1 def, make a separate acc for zerk, maxed 1 def is too good to give up
  5. how much are accounts with 99 str 70 att 70 def no other specific stats?
  6. Jannacoin


    i do for 100m with mm, do u provide supplies
  7. I'll do both for like 3m?
  8. how many times do I have to see the "eVeRyOnE iS sO oFfEnDeD" posts on social media Lighten up. the people who call others sensitive are generally the whiniest snowflakiest people on the planet.
  9. hey guys, my name is Janna, I have been using osbot on and off for a long time, but I now, by necessity, have to get involved in bot farming, as it's my only realistic method for income currently. I want to run a bot farm, aswell as do services for people on here.
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