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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Juggles

  1. @Zerker Order Completed Troll Stronghold Temple of Ikov The Digsite The Tourist Trap
  2. There's no Bandit Killing scripts on the SDN. Would be a pretty neat script for mains /pures with prayer support to use.
  3. Must not be coded in webWalker then, I don't control that.
  4. in 2-3 hours probably or thursday around update time. Transfer valuables now
  5. Yah it Yeah it should works if you compile
  6. Juggles


    Isn't it funny how most of the staff comments when Mald posts
  7. getKeyboard().pressKey(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP); getKeyboard().pressRelease(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP);
  8. Would be pretty easy to add, only need a GUI option to select use stop(); or System.exit();
  9. What is AGC (Associated General Contractors) ?
  10. Okay will do give me like 5 minutes
  11. 1. Pictures of the account stats All accounts have 7qp 2. Pictures of the account banns 3. membership left (if there is any) None 4. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address I am original owner Price: 250k each
  12. Pain+Jackshow+ SSJG Asian sex
  13. Maybe not to 99 but you can prob bot for a week or two before ban
  14. Good luck Han Solo! May the bans not be with you!
  15. Yeah I agree there should be more detailed FB then but I doubt the traders will comply with it as they don't really care usually. Btw all of my MM's were acc for GP or PP/BTC for GP. I don't MM services where I have to hold the GP over a long period of time xD
  16. You can see all my MM trades here. I document them all in my thread. I've only done 10 MM trades (so 20 feedback) in a total of 4 months of having my service open. So not sure what you're trying to imply. Also I can't control what others put in my FB comment. Some people just put stupid shit even though a trade value could have been like 75m+ or something. Sorry forgot to post link
  17. Why else would I waste my time? ive had some trades last 2 hours where I sat down waiting because the BTC payment didn't process
  18. There's no point to MM for free if you can't gain FB And 90% of the trades I've MM have Been like 50m+ so idk where you guys get these lower MM trades. Most people who seek a MM are for higher risk trades MM for free is to get Fb And eventually get the verified MM rank as well as making trades more secure for the community. I personally think more people should be using MM to prevent scams but a lot of people don't realize what a MM is so advertising it on threads helps that.
  19. I botted multiple accounts to 85 mining. I did 12 hours a day at a secluded iron ore spot and my script would world hop if anyone entered within the minimap of my player
  20. Why not just use something similar to the link you posted then. Mean= 600 SD= 100 lowest value =0 max = infinite 99.7-6 of values would lie between 300-900 with a range of 0-Inf. Adding a max value would also be useful because you wouldn't want a sleep of 100000, even if it's statically unlikely it will eventually occur. I think the method is useful if used and built correctly with a Min and a Max value for example: Mean- 600 SD- 200 Min- 0 Max- 5000
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