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Everything posted by Tehgousch

  1. it is not really what i am looking for, I want more of a low combat high agility/hunter/mining thieving acc (one of them) and i think you could get more from some1 who actually wants an ult ironman feels like a waste if i would buy it
  2. really good acc, but would pref a normal iron man
  3. yes, problem is i cannot do it untill friday
  4. if i were you and it is as easy as you say, you could make what? 100 accs to max every month? lets say 20% gets banned and u keep the other 80 you invested 600m in bond (2 bonds each acc 3m ea) selling 80 maxed mains for 80m each (low) is 6400m (or 5800 after covering your investment) 5800*1,1 is aprox 6k per month if you are telling me you got a method to make 6k usd per month which u dont do I am surprised.
  5. doubt its 5% but there is always a small chance u will get it back
  6. welcome to this wonderful community
  7. can make 50 construct account for either 6m ea (12 day membershiip left) or 3m ea if they got member already
  8. i can get 45 agility/44 rc and 45 def for 10m ea
  9. 60 att 80 str 65 mage, any offer? forgot to add, it's a junk account from when i wanted a pure but gave up. not looking for much
  10. I'm looking for a starter ironman with either graceful/ 60+ thieving / 83+ hunter or any other high stat not rlly looking for account with alot of proggress, just an early account with some first skill prio stats
  11. got one 60 att 80 str also like 65 mage no ban pm me skype for details
  12. https://gyazo.com/b9d1f8e961fe623aa9dfd3b8e7dce0e3 got this removed stats are >30 fucker ruined my skiller so if u are intressted hit me with an offer
  13. i dont know, tried to find account on highscore but couldnt logged in on website and foudn this You can change your name again on 22-May-2016 20:08. looked up name and he trained att def and str logged in and found the account in lumbridge with training sword at goblins, so it was without any reason
  14. I've been ranked in your friend chat ;)
  15. 85 str 60/75 att depending on you and 70 range/mage?
  16. Disputed member:http://osbot.org/forum/user/188538-tope/ Thread Link: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/97294-spending-50m/#entry1080008 Explanation: trained combat on my skiller and ruined my account Evidence: Hidden
  17. would u mind elaborate?
  18. as soon as you feel they did something wrong
  19. this^ In other hand I'd trust people with lets say accounts at 50 feedback for accounts up to 35m. Just picture it how much is it worth for you seeing them getitng banned if they scam dont always follow this tho
  20. how to lose all potentional friends
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