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Everything posted by Tehgousch

  1. 15m per acc 5m without mining
  2. Tehgousch

    exp calc help

    81k exp per h, you didnt specify that you would only pay one person, pmed you my ign
  3. so much love, so little time!!!
  4. grills?!?!?!here!?!?!?! WHERE *!*
  5. Shit, really thought it would be more guess ill stick to try to sell my 70 70 70 accs if i ever get moved from twc
  6. Myself, since I don't think anyone else here does</3
  7. Gl Hf, you will need it
  8. a tip is to make it a starter lvl 3 skiller, get like 50 all f2p stats otherwise 5m maybe
  9. https://gyazo.com/6740583e4d17ce778d2657d3144b15c9 was a skiller untill *beep* ruined my account give me a pc And please, I'm not intressted what I would get for this account just wondering what the account is worth
  10. Tehgousch


    pc on the following skills 1-60 mining 29-60 smithing 44-82 rc 1-75 range 1-60 wc not including supplies
  11. so u are saying its worth 0 gp?
  12. well u basicly didnt add anything new to this except u got a postcount, so please read my latest post...
  13. what about without twc, say from a semi trusted member
  14. 60 att 80 str 65 mage, no quests really, how much is it worth with and without lost city / mm?
  15. I do not think it will happen unless it's a top ranked account ex. zezima
  16. was fun the 24h i had it, nice zerker tho
  17. got an account with 99 hunter and soon 70 70 70 stats nothing else really, how much would it be worth do u think? Just want an estimate on the account value not what I (specifik me) would get for it since right now im TWC and won't be able to sell it
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