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Everything posted by Tehgousch

  1. not really sure, but hopefully done by 18th. payment can be done to a mm:)
  2. 11m handdone and will have osbot pics from every level
  3. I think they should make the reqs higher, like 200 pc or something
  4. hmm think its possible to get 1m if 80 cooking?
  5. pc on account with 70 cooking and 80 cooking
  6. can do it now for 1m per usd, if u wanna go first (cant be more then 10 usd tho ;S
  7. 60 att 80str waterfall done 10m
  8. Can make some 2nite for 250kea hand done
  9. 1m per account:) 500k if u make em member:) will be 30 att 30 str and 30HP cannot promise HP will be at 30 so most likely higher hp
  10. i've paid 15m for handdone, think i can get a bit lower if botted
  11. 35m u need full dharok and money to repair it (depending on your smithing level i cant really tell. prayer pots about 4k will take some time tho
  12. yes i fixed it, find it strange that u cant use !"#€& in passwords in cleint
  13. if still needed 4m for a set of 40 40 40 30 30 30 and 20 20 20 if p2p
  14. it says invalid password and I cant login, tried login to the site 4 times and work all the time but not on the bot ???
  15. can make you one with tut island if u supply bond, 1m
  16. this account is worth 100-200+ depending on how trusted the buyers sees you, I'd say 200-250 atleast
  17. selling my pure since I decided to make an g-mauler stats login no wealth only quests done are waterfall and cook's assistant starting bid 5m A/w 20m payment 07 gold or bitcoin We will use MM for the trade or you go first no bans never been botted i am original owner and email will be changed to yours. extra Account is not quested attack but a "good" start if u want a 75 att account. For a smal sum attack could be quested and levled to 75.
  18. need about 5 accounts with full gracefull, can either supply an account (but if it gets banned you pay 3m for the bond) and full refund I'm in no hurry of the accounts and need em the 25th can also buy account with full gracefull 6m ea offer price for 1-gracefull botted
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