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Everything posted by Tehgousch

  1. 10m mm can hold money meanwhile if u dont trust me need to start pretty soon cuz im free now for about 5h so i can complete it
  2. can probably make atleast the 80 mage for 10m if u supply, about the defence idk how fast it will be with mage
  3. Tehgousch


    4m done now, payment afterwards all by hand, can live update you with skype or ingame with osbuddy have u done the feude quest? skype im.fishy
  4. must be so, so i switched to my pc insteaad
  5. hehee no worries matie just idk where to post it, it do go away if i restart the computer, but then i have to reopen google chrome...
  6. On my mac my mouse sometimes goes away and there appears lines undernith it. which i apparently cant screenshot? but how do i remove this? anybody?
  7. can make for you if u supply planks / runes. 4m for 50 construction and 6m for 67, all payment done afterwards
  8. can make a 1/60/1 account for 10m if u want ?
  9. can make some for you 40m ea, payment to mm, should take about 1-2 weeks you make accounts, i finish em, or if u trust me enough i can make em and finish em (but safer if u create the accounts)
  10. Yes i understand that and your rep looks good, but I ment from other people would probably need alot of info. If you can prove recovery test I think a reasonble price would be around 300 atleast, I MIGHT be intressted in about 2 months (get shitload of cash from work then) if you havent sold it. But 300m is really reasonable if u can prove recovery test + got all otehr info
  11. 1m for 5 accs? can prolly finish em today (you make em i finish em
  12. can probably make one for you (payment after) how much are u looking to spend? (pm me)
  13. 100m maybe even more
  14. around 35m for att def str 20m? range 10m fletching other stats maybe 65-90 if u sell it
  15. id say 250-> 300m if more trusted easily 350 to 400m with my rep, prolly 35m
  16. id say around 2m maybe up to 3m. Might been more if no combat stats (starting skiller)
  17. anyone know the rates right now?
  18. i got one 50 fishing acc which i can level some other stats for you if u want, otherwise i can get some basic stats up for a fresh account for 10m (payment to mm while training)
  19. Otherwise u can buy 70 70 70 accs from me (u make them i finish em) and pay me once done) and you can just afk nmz hehe
  20. 10m osbuddy screenshots whenever you want, will be available on skype during the whole time. money will be depsited to a mm (i pay fee) and given to me once its compleated. Will use osbuddy dropkey
  21. 17m time frame i dont know either but quests should be done in 1 day and stats maybe some more. Since right now TWC (appealing about it) I will go first if u can deposit the money at a mm during the time. 100% handdone and can prove it with either osbuddy prints or live update My girlfrind works night so can probably play 3-5h a day minimum because I dont have anything better to do
  22. I'd say unless you do 10+ acc at the time in nmz you would probably earn more by selling 70 70 70 accs, but it will be more job (less afk nmz)
  23. Can prolly do em for 12,5m per acc will be quested to 40 att so u will have some qp (cuz it's faster)
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