can make some for you 40m ea, payment to mm, should take about 1-2 weeks
you make accounts, i finish em, or if u trust me enough i can make em and finish em (but safer if u create the accounts)
Yes i understand that and your rep looks good, but I ment from other people would probably need alot of info.
If you can prove recovery test I think a reasonble price would be around 300 atleast, I MIGHT be intressted in about 2 months (get shitload of cash from work then) if you havent sold it. But 300m is really reasonable if u can prove recovery test + got all otehr info
i got one 50 fishing acc which i can level some other stats for you if u want, otherwise i can get some basic stats up for a fresh account for 10m (payment to mm while training)
10m osbuddy screenshots whenever you want, will be available on skype during the whole time. money will be depsited to a mm (i pay fee) and given to me once its compleated. Will use osbuddy dropkey
time frame i dont know either but quests should be done in 1 day and stats maybe some more.
Since right now TWC (appealing about it) I will go first if u can deposit the money at a mm during the time. 100% handdone and can prove it with either osbuddy prints or live update My girlfrind works night so can probably play 3-5h a day minimum because I dont have anything better to do