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Everything posted by Xedous

  1. Can i get a trial?
  2. Xedous

    Stealth Quester

    ahh i havent botten in awhile
  3. Xedous

    Stealth Quester

    @Token My script is just clicking around the map and taking 4-5 secs inbetween
  4. I need Kings Randsom prequests and the quests knights waves + horror from the deep
  5. http://prntscr.com/flfefs Best script ive used, fastest chins an hour i couldnt do better if i was hand training
  6. Xedous


    i just want some pokemon
  7. Ill be swapping 10-15m dmm to 07 Message me on here
  8. Im trying to get a pretty decent obby mauler and i was wondering if anyone could throw me some prices for a decent account, or if you already have one for sale
  9. I need Eyes of gloughry and Horror from the deep Message me on here or reply to the fourm or add my skype : Brandon.neal691
  10. Did you add my skype? yes What service are you looking for? Monkey madness, Tree gnome villige, Tree gnome stronghold Do you agree to the TOS? yes
  11. May i get a Trial yet>
  12. i promise you, I've owned it since it came out and it is my favorite i own
  13. Use this for a Proggy if you need
    1. Xedous


      wrong screenshot


      Czar Screenie.png

    2. Czar


      Wtf lmao, 29 hour proggy from thiever :o gj man added to main thread :):D 

    3. Xedous


      i can get you longer ones next weekend :)


  14. Could you get me in contact with some people to write me some private scripts/
  15. Message me back about the account, trying to go to bed soon want to buy before

  16. Hey, Can you make me or add the rouges mini game as a script or an attachment to this?
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