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  1. yes may i have one please
  2. can i get a trail of this please and thank you
  3. hands down one of the best script!!! i have 5+ accounts mining and going on 4 days each account and not a single ban!!! made tons of money off it so happy!!!
  4. script is not working for me anymore its just going to the hill and not digging down and the spade is inv
  5. Banned after 2 days on running and ran for 6 hours total a day with low botting time and high breaks
  6. can i have trail for this please
  7. projames


    can i have a trail please
  8. it does you have to put in inv
  9. does this script use ring of dueling to regain hp and run and then use glory back to edgeville?
  10. does this script still work?
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